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The Orangeman Cometh

The long MAGA march through American history began on January 22, 2015 when JEB! travelled to Mitt Romney's Salt Lake City home for a cordial discussion about the 2016 presidential campaign and Willard was told to back off and wrap his mind around the VP slot (maybe). Imagine how Mittens felt during the summer and fall of that year watching John Ellis Bush ("please clap") screw the GOP primary pooch so awkwardly that even with his daddy's Deep State operatives running the campaign the Yankee Floridian could not close on the nomination. With $100 Million in his chinos pocket to squander on advertising by political consultants and endorsements from a long list of politicians and military leaders JEB! was the anointed Republican "leader" and his other primary opponents (except for one) were auditioning for a cabinet secretary role. Poor Mittens watched from the sidelines, swallowing his Mormon pride, while the neocon DEI loving hire got his ever-loving pansy white ass kicked by a discourteous NYC real estate mogul who wasn't playing fair and couldn't win... until he could. Add the fact that Romney actually won the 2012 election but was forced to accept "defeat" for the sake of national security and civic order - putting love of country over personal ambition - with the undefined promise of another try for the crown some time in the future. By the spring of 2016 those dreams of presidential glory for an elder of the LDS Church were being sucked into a massive orange hole of charismatic force and legitimate alpha-male power that drove Mitt insane - He Broke Me.

"I've come to bring you peace! The peace that comes with facing the truth about yourselves! The peace that comes when you've given up all your lying pipe dreams and learned to like yourselves for what you are, instead of what you pretend to be! I've come to save you from yourselves! I've come to free you from the need for lies! I've come to bring you peace! Peace!"
Theodore "Hickey" Hickman in "The Iceman Cometh" by Eugene O'Neil

Yes, you read me right, Mitt Romney won the 2012 election. Dick Morris knows it. Michael Barone knows it. Karl Rove knows it. All the professional consultant types know that Romney got more legitimate votes than Barack but for politicians living under the Techno-Fascist Imperium getting the most votes doesn't entitle any candidate to a "win" because other, more weighty, considerations have to be added to whatever whims the proletariate might have about their civic leadership. For instance, how would it look for America's first black POTUS to lose his reelection bid to the "whitest" person on the planet? Who's going to shepherd the Middle East through the Arab Spring fallout or execute the long planned Euromaiden revolution in Ukraine or navigate the Black Lives Matter psyop which was already initiated with the Travon Martins shooting? The 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 just three years away and running interference on that is the main reason Obama was plucked from obscurity and thrust onto the world stage in the first place so the continuity of his administration was never going to be interrupted by Mitt Romney or anyone else. Don't be mad - I'm just the messenger -  I'm not here to take down Obama or Mitt or the rigged election system of the USA because I believe the flaws are a key aspect of the design - a feature, not a bug.

American's can't just elect any yahoo as chief executive of the most powerful empire in world history with the lethal power of nuclear and biological weapons at the touch of a button on the Resolute Desk. Everyone assumes that US  presidential nominees are thoroughly "vetted" but the truth is that all high level politicians are controlled puppets who have their strings pulled by the National Security Agency which is another name for the military. The NSA is where all of America's signals intelligence (SIGINT), which includes phone conversations, emails, text messages and any other form of communications, are gathered, collated and stored. Even for the most virtuous people in America that's a lot of blackmail material and believe me when I say that virtuous people don't get into politics. The military brass controlling (and exploiting) this incriminating SIGINT are shadow soldiers that most Americans don't know and they operate independent of political party apparatchiks who rotate in and out of "power" every 2, 4 or 6 years.

Here are the last five directors of the National Security Agency (NSA) along with their years of service:
  1. General Timothy D. Haugh (2024–present)General Haugh assumed command of the NSA on February 2, 2024, succeeding Paul Nakasone. He also serves as the Commander of U.S. Cyber Command .
  2. General Paul M. Nakasone (2018–2024)Paul Nakasone served as NSA Director from May 4, 2018, until February 1, 2024. He oversaw significant cybersecurity initiatives and efforts to counter foreign cyber threats .
  3. Admiral Michael S. Rogers (2014–2018)Michael Rogers served as NSA Director from April 3, 2014, to May 4, 2018. He was the first Information Warfare Community officer to achieve the rank of admiral and played a key role in elevating U.S. Cyber Command to a unified combatant command.
  4. General Keith B. Alexander (2005–2014)Keith Alexander served as NSA Director from August 1, 2005, to March 28, 2014. His tenure was marked by significant expansion of the NSA's surveillance programs, especially in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations.
  5. General Michael V. Hayden (1999–2005)Michael Hayden served as NSA Director from March 1999 to April 2005. He later became the Director of the CIA and was known for his efforts to modernize the NSA's infrastructure and capabilities .
Ever heard of these guy? Would you recognize them if they walked into your room? Well, you might not know them but they know you. They know where you live and all about your family and friends, how much money you have, your school records and favorite sports team, your spending habits and hobbies, that hit and run you were involved in 12 years ago, your sisters valium addiction, your favorite porn sites, how well you sleep and when you go to the bathroom. They pick your president, bestow billionaire status on oligarchs and sue, de-bank, cancel, imprison or murder those unfortunates who get out of their assigned lane. Established in 1952, the NSA was built upon the foundation of the Army Security Agency created in 1930 so these men have been running the Global American Empire for the past 95 years.

I know this form of government doesn't sound very democratic but keep in mind that the NSA does know exactly how every American really feels about every issue that politicians are allowed to talk about. They listen to  phone calls, read emails, track political contributions, capture Google searches from which ideological profiles are created to let them know how everyone in the country would vote even if they don't vote - and about 1/3 don't vote.  It's true that this surveillance state falls completely outside the framework of the constitutional republic which the United States of America ratified in the late eighteenth century but the facade preserved in the National Archives and acted out on the stages of Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court and the White House instills a wonderful illusion of self government. So democracy and republican government do still have a function in the USA but pretense can't get in the way of managing the Global American Empire.

"The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified."
"Beyond Good and Evil" by Friedrich Nietzsche  

Elections Are Fake and GAE

The other thing the NSA can do is hack into any electronic digital system like, say, phone systems, banks, power grids, planes, trains, automobiles or any black box that tabulates ones and zeros - and that includes voting machines. Any longtime reader of the KOTCB already knows my convictions on voting but suffice it to say my opinion is that elections are fake and GAE. For those new readers who require "proof" of my argument I'll ask you to read the following blog posts in order:

No Step On Snek - Thoughts on the stolen 2020 presidential election and the doom it portends for America.

Who voted for this guy? - Asks and answers the ultimate question: Why didn't Hitlery Clampett demand a full forensic audit of the Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin elections in 2016?

Obligatory Report On The Techno-Fascist Imperium - Gen. Mike Flynn ran the greatest counter espionage sting operation in US history and caught them all committing treason.

Inserterection Now! - The real inserterection is an attempt by Patriots within the government to take power from the Communists and return some measure of sovereignty to We the People of the United States of America.

The best breakdown of how they do it comes from Elizabeth Nickson and her Welcome To Absurdistan SubStack in a post titled Our Invisible Chains, Our Stolen Vote which identifies the machines as the weakest link in the ballots chain of custody. All the elections are rigged which is why we get these (s)elected "representatives" who mismanage our wealth, promote civic horror and all too often kill us. They do it all at the direction of the NSA and other Intelligence Community handlers who pull the strings so even if the Jan 6 rioters were able to wash the capitol steps with congressional blood the real tyrants would quickly find another compromised puppet to take Nancy Pelosi's place. That's why the cold civil war that's been going on since the spring and summer of 2015 is so important and why the fighting has been so furious over the past 10 years.

Guerre tout le temps

Trump's election victory and successful inauguration was a major win for the Orange team that is trying to preserve God, humanity and justice under the nationalist framework of the United States of America. If you're as jaded and cynical as I am there are 2 possible scenarios that have lead us to this amazing moment in world history:
  1. The whole thing is an intricately planned psychological operation executed flawlessly including the day Trump glided down the golden escalator, the surprise defeat of Hitlery in 2016, Russiagate, Fine People in Charlottesville, Kavannagh SCOTUS scandal, Impeachment, the 2020 plandemic and Geo. Floyd color revolution, the 2020 election steal and Jan6 inserterection, the ludicrous Jo(((k)))e of poopPOTUS Brandon, the Afghanistan death trap, inflation, Ukraine War, 10/7 Gaza terror, the migrant invasion, Trump's resurrection and unprecedented political comeback all designed to change to perception of the American people from Left to Right.
  2. There is an Deep State civil war playing out which, from time to time, breaks from the shadows and presents itself as an odd house explosionunexplainable shooting or environmental disaster. This cold civil war is real and involves competing interests inside the military and broader Intelligence Community (IC) who vie for control of the Techno-Fascist Imperium. Since 1932 and FDR's creation of the national security apparatus this military-industrial complex and its Global American Empire has been controlled by The Left. The universities, FakeNews and mass media (Hollywood & Madison Ave.), NGO's, civil rights groups, mainline churches and legal profession, all of which are also controlled by The Left, successfully program people into believing that the evil cabal running the shadow government is comprised of conservative christian white nationalists and Dr. Strangelove but that hasn't been the case for almost 100 years... Until now.
Have you ever heard the joke about the cop who was sent by a time machine back to World War 1 with the goal of killing Hitler in his youth to prevent him from forming the Nazi party in Germany and starting a global war? The station chief sends the cop through the time travel portal on his mission and a few minutes later the policeman returns.
Time cop: Chief, I know you told me to go back and kill Hitler, but I took out Woodrow Wilson instead. 
Chief: Who the hell is Hitler?

In the week before the November 5th presidential election Lotus Flower Harris was leading Trump by 2 points Morning Consult, 1.8 points FiveThirtyEight and 1 point The Guardian. She was the incumbent, had the ground game and an estimated $1.5 billion to spend in 7 swing states with only one Republican Governor among them - that lone anomaly was RINO cuck Brian Kemp from Georgia. The Democrats were going to push her over the top in all these swing states the same crooked way they gave the doddering old fool 81 million votes in 2020 - flip, inflate and subtract votes in the machines and run so many fake ballots through the tabulators that accurately auditing what constitutes a legitimate vote is impossible. Go back and look at the video tape from October of all the Democrat politicos and sympathetic FakeNews scum supporting the (D)onkeys and see if they appear worried. Just 4 years earlier they rigged their own primary elections and inserted and cognitively impaired Biden at the top of the ticket and then ran a general election from his Delaware basement and "won" the presidency with the most votes ever cast for an candidate. They don't care about how it gets done - Kamala wasn't even popularly elected to be the nominee - they just care that it looks good enough to convince a healthy plurality of citizens that it happened.

So how did Trump win? That is a question that only the great negotiator and a select few will ever be able to answer but from the outside it looks like Trump struck a deal with the NSA after Biden's horrible debate performance on June 27th and and before SCOTUS bestowed "absolute immunity" upon POTUS with its July 1st ruling on Trump v. United States. The Robert's court found that a president can't be charged for a crime he commits while carrying out his official duties, which given the realities of our Imperial Presidency are unconstitutional, and that get out of jail card let Trump beat DOJ law fare. This ruling shocked the Leftist lawyers and their mockingbird media stenographers who had put their reputations on the line around a set of coordinated lawsuites and criminal referrals with the assurance of a Trump conviction and lifetime prison sentence. The fact that SCOTUS lifted the noose from around Trump's neck meant that someone with NSA/CIA juice got to Chief Justice Roberts and told him that the guys who actually secure, manage and launch the nuclear bombs had decided to (s)elect Orange Man Bad.

The assassination attempt on July 13th at a Butler, PA MAGA rally was the desperate attempt by Team Biden to secure Jo(((k)))e a second term by killing his NSA endorsed opponent. Big mistake by everyone involved - and believe me when I say there were A LOT of people coordinating this sick fiasco - because shooting and missing will always require retribution. Biden was forced to cancel his presidential campaign and experience the great replacement when his Tamil Tiger VP snatched the crown from his soft brained head. On August 1st a man named Joshua David Lubitz attempted to assassinate Trump at the southern border but nobody remembers it because, at the time, Trump had the entire world trying to determine the true ethnicity of Kamala Harris. On August 9th Trump's private jumbo jet was forced to make an emergency landing in Montana due to "mechanical problems" with the hydraulics. Lotus Flower's August 10th debate performance wasn't any better than Jo(((k)))e's even though FakeNews ABC had slipped her the questions in advance so on August 15th a CIA asset was dispatched to shoot "the former president" on the 5th hole at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. By chance, one of Trump's secret service guardians spied Ryan Wesley Routh's rifle barrel poking out from the shrubbery and the assassin ran away after 12 hours of waiting for his shot at infamy. The unspoken power of The Left is their credible threat of inflicting violence using social justice groups, unions, political activists, organized crime, IC operatives, terror,  biological attack, war or assassination to gain and hold on to power. That left handed clenched fist raised high is the reason GOP cucks always back down and compromise their principles in a fight... until now.

"You and I both know what I'm talking about."

Donald J Trump has been engaged in a complex negotiation for the past 10 years and if not for the fact that he never, ever gives up there is little chance he could have closed the deal on November 5, 2024. The Dems were going to cheat, like they always do, and install Kamala as the First Black/Indian Woman POTUS with a bunch of fake ballots and machine vote flipping. They didn't care weather the American people thought the country was on the right track or if their candidate was incompetent - hell, they had just forced We the People to swallow the preposterous 81 million vote victory of Jo(((k)))e Brandon. Would they do it again? Of course they would and because they had almost all committed treason in the 2020 election steal they were left with no viable alternative outcome except total victory. When the results in blue precincts are graphed the same jump in (D) votes show up like they did in 2020 but at a certain threshold the Trump votes start increasing at the same rate as the Harris votes. There is a pause while the cheaters examine the results and then another attempt to add (D) votes with a corresponding rise in the Trump tally. The patriots studied and learned every deception the Uniparty conjured up in the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections so by 2024 the illusion was broken. Trump won by knowing how they would cheat, letting them cheat and developing some software code that would maintain a winning ratio of votes once the fake ballots flooded the system. Thank you NSA and Starlink for making dreams come true and securing Trump's win.

Welcome to the Golden Age

On his first tour in our nations capitol the Orangeman was a jovial and familiar visitor telling uncomfortable truths to the old crowd of down and out losers who lounge about Washington DC reliving their tired history and trying to fit in with their coworkers. Using the mask of many complex personas - the Elvis from Queensthe Ãœberfrauthe Putt Pirate- he tried to open their minds and expose the fallacy of long held pipe dreams that held them down and ruined the lives of those people they were meant to represent and champion. The DC establishment responded with sabotage, betrayal and ostracism which would have crushed the spirit and resolve of any other man... but this man is different. This time Trump is coming back as a resurrected lion with the full backing and active support of the NSA who calls the shots for everyone from Senators to tech oligarchs to FakeNews so resistance is futile and everyone better get with the program. The Techno-Fascist Imperium has been taken over by America First Patriots after a 10 year internal civil war and the full power of that monstrous apparatus is being unleashed on the Communist scum who hate America. It's a glorious time to be alive.


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