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Showing posts from September, 2008

Miles Monroe Supports Obama

"My brain...that's my second favorite organ!" Woody Allan - you know, the guy who's screwing his adopted daughter - says, " It would be a disgrace and a humiliation if Barack Obama does not win ." Which means that Woody's emotional life won't change much when John McCain wins a landslide victory on November 4th. Can you hear the Clown Bell ringing?

Patriotism My Ass

It goes without saying that Joe Biden is a Clown of epic proportions. As has been mentioned previously in this blog he is the Dwight Schrute of the Senate with an absolute gift for making a fool of himself, which to no ones surprise he did again today by saying “it's time [for the well-off] to be patriotic"by paying higher taxes. But the clown of the day is Joe Klein who puts forward these words of wisdom on the Time Magazine blog called Swampland. And Biden's right: in a system of progressive taxation, it is the patriotic duty of the wealthy to pay more than the middle class or the poor...and furthermore, since we're all going to be paying for the mess the Wall Street sharks made, I'd go Biden a step further: there probably should be a confiscatory shark tax for any and all executives whose companies have gone belly up and required a federal bailout. This is the heart of the sickness that bleeds this country and causes such conflict between Red and Blue

Michael Seitzman = Shithead

It's funny what you can find by just clickin' links on the Web. I was brought to the Huffalump Post today and this brilliant analysis by one Michael Seitzman (full fledged Clown). "I realized three things tonight. For one, if you are a McCain/Palin/Bush voter, you and I do not have a difference of opinion. We have a difference in brain power. Two, she really is as ignorant as I feared. And, three, she really is kinda hot. Basically, I want to have sex with her on my Barack Obama sheets while my wife reads aloud from the Constitution. (My wife is cool with this if I promise to "first wipe off Palin's tranny makeup." I married well.)" I doubt that Michael did "marry well" as he claims - but this might be due to differences in brain power which he, inexplicably, just realized last night while watching an evening news interview of Sarah Palin. He realized at the same time that Palin is "ignorant" - at least she's as ignorant as h

Ike's Revenge

It took almost 50 years, but Ike finally gave " the beard " a beating he so richly deserves . I feel sorry for the innocents in Cuba, but for all the rest, that's what you get for putting up with a petty despot as the leader of your country. You suck Fidel. May you die soon so that the Cuban people can finally taste freedom.

Obama Douchebags

For the past year and a half I've had to listen (and sometimes argue) with supporters of Barack Obama who tell me how great it's going to be when "The One" takes the reigns of power and rights the sinking ship of America. Never mind that the guy had no legitimate experience to become President of the US, that he was an obvious opportunist who played upon peoples guilt and fantasy that mixed race "African American" could heal the deep philosophical breach between Red/Blue America, that his associations with people like Jeramah Wright and Tony Rezko (not to mention Weathermen terrorists Willliam Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn ) were not important and that the hatred of the Clintons that he leveraged and exploited to win the nomination for President of the Democrat party would not come back to bite him in the ass. Now the bloom is off the rose and the new flower on the political scene has stolen the spotlight - her name is Sarah Palin and her ascension t