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Showing posts from October, 2006

Happy Halloween


Hell TV 24/7/365

"Comcast Corp. intends to cash in on the popularity of the horror genre with the Halloween-timed launch of its broadband and video-on-demand channel . The network will telecast nonstop frightful movie and video content..." Great. Just what we need - more horror. The explosion of internet broadcasting will bring us all kinds of goofy programing, but what sort of person signs up for this kind of premium channel?

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye...

"Big cities like L.A., Miami, and Boston are feeling the effects of the Internet and the trimming of other-paid circulation. The Los Angeles Times reported that daily circulation fell 8% to 775,766. Sunday dropped 6% to 1,172,005 The San Francisco Chronicle was down. Daily dropped 5.3% to 373,805 and Sunday fell 7.3% to 432,957. The New York Times lost 3.5% daily to 1,086,798 and 3.5% on Sunday to 1,623,697. Its sister publication, The Boston Globe, reported decreases in daily circulation, down 6.7% to 386,415 and Sunday, down 9.9% to 587,292. The Washington Post lost daily circulation, which was down 3.3% to 656,297 while Sunday declined 2.6% to 930,619. " Well deserved circ. drop for lifeless reporting and a low treason - Goodbye Newspapers. You won't be missed.

Dixie Chicken

Do you trust the Dixie Chicks? I don't I mean if your back was against the wall and you were surrounded by hostile forces would you call on the Dixie Chicks for help? I wouldn't If you fell in love with them, built a house for them do you think they would run away with the guitar player one day? I do. Their blog is so stupid that I'm just going to pull a few sentences to illustrate my point. "The Chicks woke up in Chickago at 3 am to prepare for their interview with Oprah Winfrey, which will air today. A big deal, for sure. You will see a compelling hour of television during which the Dixie Chicks reveal how they went about adopting a baby from Malawi..." - that's right, they adopted a baby. "The red carpet event (the premiere of their movie) at the Regal Cinemas in Union Square included VIPs such as Lauren Bacall, Harvey Weinstein, Sandra Bernhard, and Princess Bitterpants." - Sounds like a very nice group of people. "The loud afterparty at Ul

Santa Claus is Dead

I was strolling through the mega book store over the weekend and came across The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins - A book that evangelizes the virtue of atheism. I've seen write ups on the book in both Wired (The Church of the Non-Believers) and the Sunday NYTimes Book Review (Beyond Belief) so I started skimming it's contents to get a closer look. I had not even made it through the introduction before Dawkins referenced John Lennon's song "Imagine" as a hymn for his un-religion. Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood o

Fake Presidents Part II

The collectivists in the USA love to talk about something called The Reality Based Media that sees the world as it really is, as opposed to the false way that so many stupid voters perceive their unreality. One of my favorite ways the RBM try to help the rubes who are brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh and Fox News is by creating Fake Presidents - i.e. Reality Based Presidents that should exists, but don't. The best of these many fake Presidents so far has been the sanctimonious scold President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet played by Martin Sheen on West Wing . There's a new movie called the Death of a President where the current "real" President George Bush is assassinated and using special effects it looks really real. He's murdered by a black man angry that his son died senselessly in the Iraq theater of the War on Terror. But everyone in the US blames a Muslim man and he is scapegoated by the stupid people who don't live in Reality Based communities - like

Team America - Now more than ever.

Why the Democrats will not win back the House or Senate in 2006

JAMES TARANTO nails it in his Best of the Web Today . The Foley scandal is actually quite similar to the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In both cases, sexually immature middle-aged men used their positions of responsibility to pursue younger people, who were also sexually immature, but had a right to be on account of their youth. The difference is that the Republicans washed their hands of Foley as soon as they figured out what was going on, whereas the Democrats' attitude toward Clinton is--well, we'll let Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, in an interview with Tim Russert on "Meet the Press," explain: *** QUOTE *** Russert: You're having Bill Clinton come in to raise money for you. Do you think Bill Clinton was a great president? McCaskill: I do. I think--I have a lot of problems with some of his, his, his personal issues. I said at-- Russert: But do you-- McCaskill: I said at the time, "I think he's been a great leader, but I don't want my daugh

Family nexus explains mystery of Lenny Kravitz's fame

Reading US Weekly last night I learned that Al Roker and Lenny Kravitz are second cousins through Lenny's mom Roxie Roker (who also played Helen Willis on The Jeffersons ). This is an important clue to answering one of life's great mysteries - Why is Lenny Kravitz famous? We will continue to monitor US Weekly to find more answers to this incomprehensible puzzle.

Gay Pride

It seems incredible. How can a man like Mark Foley be elected to leadership positions of the Republican caucus? Especially when you learn that Denny Hastert was warned about his activities with young pages 3 YEARS AGO by Foley's long time aid Kirk Fordham. Even more amazing is the fact that his sexual advances on young male pages was common knowledge among the boys who work on the hill. In today's LA Times I found this quote from a former page. "Almost the first day I got there I was warned," said Mark Beck-Heyman, a San Diego native who served as a page in the House of Representatives in the summer of 1995. "It was no secret that Foley had a special interest in male pages," said Beck-Heyman, adding that Foley, who is now 52, on several occasions asked him out for ice cream. So now we know that not only the Republican Leadership, including the Speaker of the House, knew about Foley the Fag, but so did every page working on The Hill. But that's not all.

Turn over every rock

How can someone like this become chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children? It's not like these guys on The Hill don't know every weakness of their fellow members. It doesn't take much investigative power to know who's hitting on staff or pages. There is no doubt that Denny Hastert and many others (from both parties) knew that Foley was gay and hit on young pages. News travels fast in those circles. He is not alone and perhaps now we can have a full on witch hunt to find expose all the villains. How many are alcoholic? How many have made passes at under age pages? How many were molested when they were children?