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Showing posts from August, 2019

This election is a jo(((k)))e

Have you visited Joe Biden's Twatter feed ? He typed out a doozy the other day: This election is not a joke. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 24, 2019 If this election is NOT a joke then how could it be that Lunch Bucket Joe Biden is even in the race to say nothing about leading the field? The #FakeNews is lying their teeth out right now trying to kill off the Biden candidacy by citing Monmouth University's polling "outlier" claiming a 3 way tie between Biden, Crazy Bernie and Pocahontas - it's bullshit. Joe Biden is ahead by double digits and he's going to stay ahead all the way to Iowa and New Hampshire because he's tied up the Union and Black vote so none of these other clowns have a chance of beating him. Once he wins in Iowa and NH he will slay them all in South Carolina and the Democrat race for the nomination will he over. Fine People This will be an amazing achievement because, it must be said, Joe Biden is

“fine people” on BOTH SIDES

Once Upon A Time In Western Civilization One of the most unusual and controversial #MAGA boosters is a former bank and telecom employee + cartoonist (Dilbert) named Scott Adams who became infamous for predicting a Trump victory in the 2016 presidential contest and has been patiently explaining the success enjoyed by The Elvis from Queens to his faithful audience. Using his television appearances, daily video/podcast exhortations, blog posts and twitter feed Mr. Adams gives a rational argument to the irrational success of DJT based on the art of persuasion, sales technique and what he calls a "talent stack" that made the seemingly impossible happen. He is a Man of the Left ("I'm left of Bernie") and just like his idiotic rational for Obama's "Master Wizard" strategy to beat ISIS in 2015 he's always exploring innovative ways to explain, using reason, uncomfortable truths like 1. free will is an illusion 2. we live in a computer generated si

...all in the name of ambition!

Dear Reader, I would like to point out that we are living through a unique and original moment in literary history and someday the tweets and retweets of our FWPOTUS Donald J. Trump will be collected, cataloged and bound in some heretofore uninvented form of "book" with hyperlinks, video/audio playback and a fully annotated QAnon appendices in recognition of what must by now be admitted to be a prolonged work of omnipotent (and very stable) genius . Jeffrey Epstein on Pedo Island I started this blog post last Sunday after Jeff Epstein's murder in Federal lockup was reported on Saturday AM and Trump retweeted the comedian Terrence K. Williams riffing on the obvious suspicions that Hillbilly whacked the Stein to shut down any legal proceeding that would expose their association with the sex trafficking extortionist. Mr. Williams is NOT a conspiracy theorists, which the #FakeNews insisted on labeling him , but an Afro-American funnyman whos ribaldry has a decide

8/8 = double infinity Honk Honk

"MSNBC analyst F rank Figliuzzi drew a numerical connection on Monday between neo-Naziism and the Trump administration 's decision to fly flags at half-mast until Aug. 8 in honor of the victims of a pair of mass shootings." Mr. Figliuzzi is a former FBI assistant director... for Counterintelligence. "The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 8-8 together stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ So we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8." " No one is thinking about this ," he added. I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking real hard. And I'm not thinking about it to make fun of Frank's TDS or to joke about the #FakeNews shit (there's no other word for it) that MSNPC puts out over the airwaves and internet. I'm thinking about the possible reality that Stephen Miller is sending a very high pitched &q

Reciprocity City

I was looking forward to my weekend tweetstorm from POTUS - the previous weekends had been consumed with tweet inspired commentary on "The Squad" and "King Elijah" with devastating effect - but all I got was a couple of tweets on trade deals, tariffs and Jina . Then the El Paseo mass murder started and I understood why Trump was keeping his powder dry. Patience is one of DJT's greatest strategic strengths and he's using it with brutal effectiveness right now on the mass murder front. It's a long drive from Allen to El Paseo The drive from Allen, TX to El Paseo, TX is 9 hours of boredom and unless you've trudged your ass across the west Texas plain you can't imagine the monotony of the landscape. It gives a guy a lot of time to think - "what am I doing on this road?", "do I really want to kill all these people?", "why am I doing this?" - and it makes me wonder who activated this asset and sent him to Beto's