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Showing posts from April, 2021

I Can’t Grieve

  Dirty Derek Timelines and playa’s are funny things and if you are wondering  what the hell is going on  then it behooves you to find a pencil and do as I say. Draw a dot on a piece of paper and mark it 1/15/2019 which, being MLK Jr. Day, is the auspicious date that Kamala Harris chose to announce her run for the presidency of the United States of America surrounded by 25,000 Oakland well wishers. Near that starting point draw a second dot and mark it 4/25/2019 which, being one month after AG Barr sent Congress a 4 page summation of the Meuller report exonerating POTUS Trump, must have seemed like a great time for Biden to enter the dog race and shield himself from scandal and, probably, prosecution. The next mark on this timeline falls on 7/31/2019 when  #KamalaHarrisDestroyed  trended on Twitter after  Tulsi cut our Lotus Flower down  on national television. If you’ve been following my instructions the piece of paper in front of you will have a timeline consisting of three dots with