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Showing posts from September, 2005
hey, Jerry Jones - check this out!
fun times while inducting Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith into the Cowboys "Ring of Honor" but the Redskins took a big steaming crap in their silver bowls.

My TV implodes

James Tiberius Kirk (a.k.a. William Shatner ) and opera's Frederica von Stade sang the theme from Shatner's 1960s series "Star Trek" last night creating a pyre of narcissism that consumed, not just the 57th Primetime Emmy Awards, but the entire history of television. There are no words that can describe the sight of a aging Kirk describe the mission of the Starship Enterprise with a backdrop of a video screen showing clips of him from 40(!) years ago fighting space aliens and kissing ET women. And then the operatic aaaah aaaah ah ah ah ah aaaaah.... my head was about to explode.
"Let's see what chef Paul Prudhomme can do with this fish"

Confederacy of Dunces in a Big Sleazy Clown Parade

What to say about the vengeance that God has visited upon New Orleans over the past 10 days? Where to start? How about Maureen Dowd's column in the 09/07/05 NYTimes (I know that she is an unstable shrew who is deserving of her very own clown blog and the inanity of her writing is an embarrassment to journalists everywhere and the NYTimes editors should be arrested for continuing to let her make an absolute fool of herself week after week, but...) in which she came up with this doozy - " Later this week (no point rushing things) W. is dispatching Dick Cheney to the rancid lake that was a romantic city. " - too which I can only say, Maureen must never have stepped foot in New Orleans. Because the Big Easy was many things - a whore house, a dope infested crime zone, the most corrupt city in the most corrupt state in the union, a den of licentious misfits and "bad pennies" who loved booze and music, home to Anne Rice, the House of the Rising Sun, Peter Fonda and D...