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Showing posts from February, 2020

Bernie Sanders didn't kill himself

Sucker Every winter I grow my beard and enjoy a few month of razor free sloth. My whiskers start growing on St. John's Day Dec. 27th and I don't shave them off until the vernal equinox on, or around, March 21st. It's a day of celebration for my wife and a sweet goodbye to old man winter for all my family and friends so there's something of a month long countdown that starts on George Washington's Birthday but not this year... This year I've decided to shave my beard off on the day that Bernie Sanders dies which, depending on how things go at the Nevada caucuses this Saturday, might well happen by this time next week. If the Constitutional Monarchist wins Nevada and leads his revolutionary Blue Shirts into South Carolina with the wind at his back and captures the Palmetto State then we're looking at a Super Tuesday Jew War . Bernie is the Geo. Wallace of Vermont and Mini Mike Bloomberg is the personification of a fancy pants corrupt capitalist oligarch...

Academy Awards Dump 2020

Harriet Tubman would be so proud! This blog has chronicled the death of Oscar (which officially happened in 2017) and the excruciating death rattle of 2019 and last night. I tuned in for the red carpet and watched the world burn for three+ hours culminating in some Korean gibberish and the stunned faces of white, multi millionaire movie stars trying to figure out what happened. What happened? Here's the breakdown. Ford v Ferrari – A live action remake of " Cars 2 " and the duel between Lightning McQueen and Francesco Bernoulli. As Henry Ford once said ,  "History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history that we make today." Amen. The Irishman – Robert De Niro in a Martin Scorsese mob movie - talk about beating a dead horse. Here's how it died: "Mean Streets" A+ NYC grit - "Goodfellas" A depressin...

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

Way back in 2011 Steven Soderbergh made a movie about a viral epidemic that sweeps a big portion of humanity right off this beautiful planet and it turns out to be an amazingly prescient foreshadowing of the Coronavirus pandemic threatening the New World Order. The " movie has people freaking out " because it's plot mirrors the origin (Chinese food), symptoms (flu) and transmission (Yankee corporate whore) of this contagion with a fanciful and completely unrealistic resolution of the global crisis. The CDC is monitoring the Wuhan strain and POTUS Trump has enacted a travel ban with little or no objections from the usual suspects (except China) . So the current reality of Make America Great Again is a little different (better) than the Yes We Can world of Hope and Change captured in the film where the virus made people brains hemorrhage and spread like wildfire across the fruited plain. So far, we're safe from the Coronavirus but that's not the only contagion s...

RIP (((Jew)))ce WRLD

A little over a month ago I was tucking my 8 year old son into his bed and he gave me the sad news that Juice WRLD had died. "We've lost a great artist," he informed me before describing Juice's last moments on this wicked WRLD when he was compelled to consume mass quantities of contraband narcotics because the FBI was raiding his private plane and threatening him . Horrible. An abuse of power in the eyes of my boy. I explained the fact that many of these rappers are degenerates and drug abusing criminals who meet an early demise due to their licentious lifestyle which is often aided and abetted by an entourage of sycophantic vipers who suck the Juice right out of this WRLD. He might ask, "like who?" and there's an answer for that : For the answers to these questions, you need to start with Juice WRLD’s inner circle. He is signed to Grade A Productions and Interscope; his label management and partners are Lil Bibby and George “G-Money” Dickinson; an...