Sucker Every winter I grow my beard and enjoy a few month of razor free sloth. My whiskers start growing on St. John's Day Dec. 27th and I don't shave them off until the vernal equinox on, or around, March 21st. It's a day of celebration for my wife and a sweet goodbye to old man winter for all my family and friends so there's something of a month long countdown that starts on George Washington's Birthday but not this year... This year I've decided to shave my beard off on the day that Bernie Sanders dies which, depending on how things go at the Nevada caucuses this Saturday, might well happen by this time next week. If the Constitutional Monarchist wins Nevada and leads his revolutionary Blue Shirts into South Carolina with the wind at his back and captures the Palmetto State then we're looking at a Super Tuesday Jew War . Bernie is the Geo. Wallace of Vermont and Mini Mike Bloomberg is the personification of a fancy pants corrupt capitalist oligarch...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!