Only the New York Times could publish a front page (above the fold) story about the plight of Child Sex Offenders in Iowa. According to the Times they are all packed in to seedy motels and trailer parks because the folks in Iowa don't want scumbags who sexually molest children living in family neighborhoods - how plebeian. I say - Only the New York Times - but I know that other fans of child molestation and sexual abuse might also feel the same disdain for the good people of Iowa. But the Times has cultivated and institutionalized a subversive alternative ethos that is now parody. This disposition was exemplified about 10 years ago, when Mayor Rudy Giuliani started to clean up (i.e push out the XXX rated peep show, pimps & whores, crack dealers and common criminals) that loitered around the NYTimes building on 42nd Street and Times Square in NYC and the Times editorialized AGAINST the gentrification of the area. That's right - I said against - the NYTimes argued that cleani...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!