I love to read Caitlin Johnstone over at Medium because, aside from being a commie, she is right about almost everything and a prolific writer. So when Geo. W. Bush bragged about his call "to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq" during a speech at his presidential center in Dallas I just had to go read her assessment of the moment . She didn't disappoint, claiming that Bush's Freudian slip/confession is "the single best thing that has ever happened" (W"s malapropism), sweet Caitlin goes for the Adam's apple: The bullshit doesn’t get any more brightly illuminated than this, folks. All that spin and narrative management they’ve been pouring into the US proxy war in Ukraine, and Bush undoes it all with the Bushism to end all Bushisms. The girl's got a point. Bush wasn't even supposed to be talking about Iraq - he was talking about Putin and his "wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Ukraine." Those are the wo...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!