Did you know that president Trump is accused of having an affair with this woman 10 years ago? Playboy Model No, seriously, Trump had sex with Karen McDougal, or so it is claimed, A LOT over something like a 10 month long relationship in 2007 (W's 2nd term) and then in 2016, when she was looking around for a way to make an additional buck off of her adultery, Trump and his fixer Michael Cohen convinced David Pecker (great name) of National Enquirer to buy her story and spike it - which he did. McDougal extorts $100K+ from the Donald and goes on vacation while he goes to the White House. End of story, right? Nope, and that's because the #NeverTrump Wall Street Journal published its "investigate report" on the transaction 4 days before the 2016 presidential election in a last gasp effort to ding The Elvis from Queens and win it for Hitlary. The Journal's scheme died but the story lives on and yesterday CNN "obtained" and broadcast a confidential co...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!