Happy Birthday America! It doesn't get any better than Hostess CupCakes washed down with some Corona at 10 AM on a Wednesday morning - At least that's what I'm told. I'm a big fan of the Orange CupCakes but this time of year they roll out the Star Spangled CupCakes and they are delicious. Not sure what they'd taste like washed down with some Mexican piss water but I'll leave that for my left of center friends to enjoy. I eat them straight up with some hot 7-Eleven joe which I consider a true American breakfast. Here's the scoop on Corona - it's owned by InBev and all the beer is made domestically in the good old USA. Here's a nice article on the History of the Hostess CupCake from 30 years ago - yes, 30 years ago, before the 2013 bankruptcy. It's okay now, fired most of the employees and use machines to make the cakes - got rid of the union contracts - so the CupCakes are rolling on, just like America. Can not be defeated because we can always restructure and start dealing anew. So what started in 1776 has gone through a lot of changes over the years but still keeps on keeping on and making great stuff like snack food and cheep beer. Nobody does it better - not eve a close second place and I'm proud of that. God Bless the USA.
She was "sexy", but "too much hard work." I'm a regular Fox & Friends viewer (mostly in protest of the other insipid morning programs like Today and Good Morning America) so over the years I've gotten to know Gretchen Carlson pretty well. Stuck between Steve and Brian she always seemed a prudish scold with an irritating, self-righteous demeanor that I simply put up with because I figured some people in the Fox audience actually liked her persona. It was obvious that Steve and Brian did not, but they were stuck with her like so many talking heads and had to make the best of it - which they did. Besides, she was no worse than any of the other women on morning show TV - I mean, you're only going to find a certain kind of person to do this kind of work and that kind of person is the Gretchen Carlson kind. Then, one day, she was gone and replaced by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the F&F ratings began to climb, and climb and climb - in two months view...