21st Century children appropriate Puritan culture I travel 45 minutes every morning to drive my kids deep into the woods so that they might attend a country school that embraces "cultural appropriation" and understands it to be the primary strength of Western Civilization. The capacity for the western mind to pluck the best of other, sometimes opposing, world cultures and incorporated the views, dress, music, food and customs of these cultures into the ever churning mixing bowl of Western Civ. is one of the greatest things about living in Europe or America or Australia. I love the fact that I can wake up on a Sunday morning, do my Yoga practice, read a little KJV Bible and thank God for my blessings, watch my beloved Washington Redskins play some football and cook up some fried rice in my wok for lunch then listen to some Tuvan throat singing in the afternoon stretched out in front of the crackling fire with my dachshund. It's all part of the "western" exper...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!