After the lunar eclipse Those of us living on planet earth experienced a powerful and transformative lunar eclipse on November 18/19 the likes of which hasn't happened for almost 600 years and the effects of this cosmic revelation will be felt by all over the coming months and years . Hard headed (and hard hearted) pragmatists scoff at astrology as nothing more than spiritualist hokum to occupy the minds of flakes and line the pockets of flim-flam artists but not me - I take the music of the spheres very, very seriously. Astrology was first practiced in Mesopotamian antiquity and then refined in Egypt & Greece by Hermes Trismegistus in which form it has been consulted and practiced by, what I consider to be, the most intelligent people to have ever lived. So when the Sun, Earth and Moon align and glorious light is blotted out causing massive shadows to be cast upon the silver disc in the sky I wake up and take notice. "The good thing about eclipses is t...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!