The foundations of the US republic can be looked at from two similar but distinct perspectives: Liberty or Equality Liberty and Equality Choosing 1 or 2 will have a significant impact on one's "pursuit of happiness" and it has been my observation that those who choose door #1 are unsatisfied, bitching, moralizing buzz kills. It's top of mind because of the hysteria surrounding the Religious freedom restoration law recently passed according to the constitutional process specified by the State of Indiana the preamble of which reads: TO THE END, that justice be established, public order maintained, and liberty perpetuated; WE, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to ALMIGHTY GOD for the free exercise of the right to choose our own form of government, do ordain this Constitution. And what is the first order of business after this throat clearing? ARTICLE 1. Bill of Rights Section 1. Inherent rights Section 1. WE DECLARE, That all people ...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!