The Donald keeps yelling " any seven " and the press keeps saying "let it ride" and the GOP establishment keeps playing the pass line - and loosing. "Listen the next time you’re at a craps table and count how many times the stickman advertises the hardways or yo’s and the seven. No matter how educated some players may be there will always be those who play the high risk bets. The casinos love the high roller who does nothing but bark out orders for the dealers to place the propositions because they know it will likely make the house a nice chunk of change." There is something wonderfully comical about the "high roller" barking insults like "these people are idiots" or "management here stinks" every time he throws some chips on the table. Or making pie in the sky promises like " I'll make America great again " or I'll do “ something terrific ” to entice the saps to bet along with him. The DC political and...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!