In the history of US political scandals my favorite is the "Whiskey Ring Scandal" for the name alone because there's something very romantic and menacing in the idea of a whiskey ring (whatever that is) which makes a reader put down his coffee cup and pick up the paper. Others, like the Iran-Contra Affair or "Crédit Mobilier Scandal" sound salacious, mysterious and foreign to the average news consumer who doesn't know what an Iranian Contra is and is suspicious of any word with a glyph in it. It must be said that the most appropriately named scandal of this, or any other, time is Watergate because a watergate is a sluice or floodgate that regulates (i.e. controls) the amount of water that flows from one place (like a swamp) into another (like a river or ocean). It is true that Watergate is also the name of a hideous piece of architecture housing apartments and professional offices on the banks of the Potomac River. The Democrats had a campaign HQ there in ...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!