As a prelude to inserterection Day Poop POTUS Jo(((k)))e Brandon made a pilgrimage to Valley Forge and upon that hallowed ground mumbled the curious supplication: Is Democracy still America's sacred cause? I'm not going focus on #DementiaHitler or his scripted answer to the question which was as dishonest and stupid as the last time he defiled a place of civic importance with his accusatory rhetoric and purposeful misreading of the nations spiritual mission. See KOTCB Orange Brandon Razing for a full review of that desecration and World War Zzzz for a follow up musings which, as it happens, link to the question of the hour. At the end of this meditation I will address one glaring historical observation that simply can not pass uncorrected but for the purposes of this post I will focus my comments on the real inserterection and why it happened. Here's an inserterection timeline with pithy descriptions + some reference links at the end. Attention: 2008 - Financial meltdow
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!