As a prelude to inserterection Day Poop POTUS Jo(((k)))e Brandon made a pilgrimage to Valley Forge and upon that hallowed ground mumbled the curious supplication:
I'm not going focus on #DementiaHitler or his scripted answer to the question which was as dishonest and stupid as the last time he defiled a place of civic importance with his accusatory rhetoric and purposeful misreading of the nations spiritual mission. See KOTCB Orange Brandon Razing for a full review of that desecration and World War Zzzz for a follow up musings which, as it happens, link to the question of the hour. At the end of this meditation I will address one glaring historical observation that simply can not pass uncorrected but for the purposes of this post I will focus my comments on the real inserterection and why it happened.
Here's an inserterection timeline with pithy descriptions + some reference links at the end. Attention:
- 2008 - Financial meltdown/Obama is "elected" using state of the art psyop mind control to "transform America" via socialized medicine, mass migration and financial degradation.
- 2010 - Tea Party/GOP takes control of House of Representatives and Republican leadership does nothing to thwart Marxism.
- 2012 - Romney "loses" election - It's obvious that the National Security State will not allow America's FBPOTUS to get bounced after 1 term.
- 2014 - GOP takes control of Senate and teams up with the House to subvert Tea Party populism.
- Jan. 2015 - Bush and Romney meet in Las Vegas to decide who will be the GOP nominee for President - JEB! got the nod.
- June 2015 - Trump descends the golden escalator at his tower one day after JEB! formally announces candidacy.
- Summer 2015 - Commie FakeNews loves Trump because he causes angina for GOP Old Bulls but everyone knows he's just a flash in the pan.
- August 2015 - GOP Fox News Debate - Megyn Kelly's "blood" boils because Trump was tipped off on her misogyny gotcha question.
- December 2015 - Trump breaks 40% in GOP poling and National Review declares a billionaire unqualified for the high office of president.
- Moving into the new year the inserterection is well underway with Trump hammering the GOP Conservative Inc. frauds and the Constitutional Monarchist Bernie Sanders is whipping Hitlery at the (D)onkey parade.
- February 2016 - JEB! folds and Trump Rolls. The GOP hates Ted Cruz sooooo much... but what are they going to do?
- May 2016 - Cruz "ends" campaign but launches plan to "win" the nomination at a brokered convention.
- July 2016 - Paul Manafort scuttles NeverTrump plans to force a brokered convention and team Cruz is apoplectic with betrayal rage. Auxiliary plan: Trump will now be a pied-piper leading the MAGA Deplorables to certain destruction and eternal political damnation on election day.
- The inserterection trap is set. Trump is the Republican nominee and every villain in DC is conspiring to elect HRC and prosecute Trump post-election ("we told you so"). The FBI officially starts an espionage investigation on Trump the day after the GOP convention ends.
- October 2016 - Revenge of the Bush does not knock Trump out ("they let you do it") but sets a psyop narrative for his predestinated loss in the general election. Hitlery leads Trump by 12 points in polls. CIA/FBI and Mockingbird FakeNews all know the fix is in and Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.
- November 3rd 2016 - This is the true moment of "inserterection" that all the scolds now displace onto 1/6 because they can't tell you the truth that Trump's team hacked the voting machines in many states including Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and prevented Democrat operatives from adding, subtracting and switching votes to secure the win for Her.
A more comprehensive timeline mirroring the above with links to supporting material can be found at KOTCB Obligatory Report On The Techno-Fascist Imperium from May 2023. If you're still skeptical of the 11/3 inserterection than read KOTCB Who voted for this guy? from October 2021 and learn why the Uniparty hates democracy (with reason). Another timeline of treason that covers almost the entire Trump campaign and presidency can be found at KOTCB Trump At War With The New Confederacy from April 2020 which frames the cold civil war in ways that remain relevant four years later.
I understand the Uniparty establishment - the Clampett/Bush cabal and all the associated 3 letter agencies and NGO's that keep the carnival in DC operating - and their anger because there WAS an inserterection of "Our Democracy" (by which they mean "Their Government") but they can't be honest about when or how it happened. These Deep State scum were forced to blatantly, "in yo face" steal a 2020 Trump win and then manufacture a false-flag attack on the Capitol to prevent politicians from making a case for decertification of electors from the House or Senate floor on 1/6 and rubber stamp the fraudulent election. Instead of sympathy my primary emotions are rage, contempt and disgust for these people with a healthy sense of shame that I didn't see through the illusion sooner. And the worst part - the most disheartening part for me anyway - is that every leader in DC and the national power centers knows what really happened and yet they continue to lie about it with a bald-faced self assurance that destroys the foundations of civic society. Joe Biden knows, Mitch McConnell knows, the SCOTUS knows, the FBI knows, FakeNews talking heads know, Tech Executives know - Everybody who's anybody knows but they can't/won't tell the truth and that includes the MAGA "inserterectionist" defenders on team Trump.
The real inserterection (it hasn't stopped) is an attempt by Patriots within the government to take power from the Communists and return some measure of sovereignty to We the People of the United States of America. The founders thought it would be possible to formalize civic regime change through an institutional democratic process but the voting proved to be inefficacious in 1800, 1824, 1860, 1876, 1912, 1960, 1968, 1992, 2000, 2016 and 2020. To answer Joe Biden's plaintive question - If democracy is America's sacred cause then we're all going to hell because as a practical matter we defile elections with astonishing regularity. And Joe Biden's pig-headed Irish ignorance about America, her history, her people and her mission compels me to make one final observation on the diaper wearing dementia patient and his rememberance of General George Washington.
I will simply annotate the text of Jo(((k)))e Brandon's speech and let the inserterection rest in a post coitus sloth.
Let me close with this. On that cold winter of 1777, George Washington and his American troops at Valley Forge waged a battle on behalf of a revolutionary idea that everyday people — like where I come from and the vast majority of you — not a king or a dictator — that everyday people can govern themselves without a king or a dictator. [This statement is demonstrably false and the "idea that everyday people" like the Biden family would be governing anything greater than a tavern or livery stable would have been a preposterous joke to someone like Washington.]
In fact, in the rotunda of the Capitol, there’s a giant painting of General George Washington — not President Washington — and he is resigning his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. [Yes, the General goes back to the plow and his beloved plantation. There will be no similar image of Joe Biden leaving political life to return to his suburban mansion outside of Wilmington DE and plant a garden.]
A European king at this — at the time said, after he won the revolution, “Now is the time for him to declare his kingship.” [Wow, a king thought Geo. Washington should make himself a king. Shocking.]
But instead, the mob that attacked the Capitol, waving Trump flags and Confederate flags, stormed right past that portrait. That image of George Washington gave them no pause, but it should have. [Ummm, the painting probably gave them an erection. George Washington did overthrow a corrupt and illegitimate government so that would inspire MAGA.]
The artist that painted that portrait memorialized that moment because he said it was, quote, “one of the highest moral lessons ever given to the world.” End of quote. [A moral lesson that Joe Biden never learned and is oblivious to based on this speech.]
George Washington was at the height of his power. Having just defeated the most powerful empire on Earth, could have held onto the power as long as he wanted. He could have made himself not a future president but a future monarch, in effect. [No. No he could not have made himself a monarch - he had barely avoided a mutiny in his officer corp and Patriots had just fought for 8 years to escape a corrupt parliament and king.]
And, by the way, when he got elected president, he could have stayed for two, three, four, five terms, until he died. But that wasn’t the America he and the American troops at Valley Forge had fought for. [But that's the America you suckers live in now. Joe Biden showed up in DC as a Senator in 1972 and he's going to die in the Oval Office.]
In America, genuine leaders — democratic leaders, with a small “d” — don’t hold on to power relentlessly. Our leaders return power to the people. And they do it willingly, because that’s the deal. You do your duty. You serve your country. [The lack of self-awareness in this paragraph is truly astounding. Joe Biden's job in public life, which is the only life he knows, has been to "hold on to power relentlessly." Same with Bill Clinton. Same with Barack Obama. Same with almost all of the permanent DC political class.]
And ours is a country worther- — worthy of service, as many Republican presidents and Democratic presidents have shown over the years. [just do what the CIA tells you to do and shut up.]
We’re not perfect. But at our best, we face on — we face head on the good, the bad, the truth of who we are. We look in the mirror and ultimately never pretend we’re something we’re not. That’s what great nations do. And we’re a great nation. We’re the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. We really are. (Applause.) [Golf clap. Take a long "look in the mirror" Joe and understand that American Greatness happens in spite of our imperfect leaders. We the People take matters into our own hands, like we did on Jan6, and force the government to change even if it takes years or decades to get it done. We never quit. We never give up.]