WARWICK : Who should that be? belike, unlook'd-for friends. SOMERSET: They are at hand, and you shall quickly know. March: flourish. Enter KING EDWARD IV, GLOUCESTER, and soldiers KING EDWARD IV: Go, trumpet, to the walls, and sound a parle. GLOUCESTER: See how the surly Warwick mans the wall! WARWICK: O unbid spite! is sportful Edward come? Where slept our scouts, or how are they seduced, That we could hear no news of his repair? KING EDWARD IV: Now, Warwick, wilt thou ope the city gates, Speak gentle words and humbly bend thy knee, Call Edward king and at his hands beg mercy? And he shall pardon thee these outrages. WARWICK: Nay, rather, wilt thou draw thy forces hence, Confess who set thee up and pluck'd thee own, Call Warwick patron and be penitent? And thou shalt still remain the Duke of York. One of the interesting things about writing a blog is seeing who reads your stuff and wha...
Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!