Do you like spy novels? I do. Forget about Health Care reform, SCOTUS confirmations, London Calling or any of the other news stories floating around in cyberspace - there is only one story that interests me and, unfortunately, it's a story that can't be told and will never be told. That story is about the civil war that's being fought in the intelligence community - the Justice Department (especially the FBI) and their mouthpieces in congress and the media. On Monday Comey pulled out his piece and fired a round right through the Oval office window and Wednesday Rep. Devin Nunes walked out of the White House with two six shooters drawn and
shot some bullets into the air.
Today Comey dropped by the White House for just under an hour long visit - short and sweet.
"reminds me of Waco" |
Ever since
Trump nuked Obama 20 days ago the silent civil war has been raging around the world, but especially in Washington D.C. Like all wars some of it has been funny, some of it has been tragic and a lot of it has been horrifying (and there's no end in sight for the horrifying). On the humorous side the fact that "deep state" enemies of Trump have to sit and spin on a treasure trove of juicy intel that could eviscerate the Elvis from Queens because releasing it would verify his accusation of "wire tapping" his phones is sweet justice. On the tragic side when a guy named Steven Martin Beck, age 61, walks into his basement and shoots his dog (?) then himself and then his house mysteriously gets blown to smithereens it's kind of sad. "Beck had a collection of “personal authorized weapons” and ammunition. The Montgomery County Police firearms unit has taken them as part of the investigation." Are you wondering who Steven Martin Beck was? What he did for a living? Good luck finding out - I can't find a thing. Sort of strange because it's not every day that someone's house explodes (and when I say explodes,
I mean EXPLODES!!!) but don't worry, the ATF is on the case so I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of it. They did
the last time a house exploded in the neighborhood. On the scary side there's
The Hammer that can be used on DJT or anyone else and whoever wields that Mjölnir has a god-like power. People will kill to maintain that power. Expect to see a lot more debris scattered around our nations capital in the next few months.