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Golden Arches

There are three meta totems that serve as recurring symbols of the modernist ethos projected by the Techno-Fascist Imperium which I have contemplated my entire adult life. They are as follows:

Disposable lighters - released on the world in 1973 these little Promethean wonder sticks brought fire to everyman at almost no cost in a valueless plastic container which could be tossed or lost without consequence. In a post titled July 5th - Disposable Culture the KOTCB marked '73 as year zero of America's 50 Years Of Failure in large measure because of the irony of these butane lighters and the impact they had on global human consciousness.

Jell-O - It is a food product that requires refrigeration but provides no nutritional value to the grinning Deeble who spoons the colored cubes of reconstituted cow bones(?) into his gaping mouth. I put the (?) behind the possible ingredient of Jell-O because... little known fact... only a handful of people, by which I mean less than 5, know what the ingredients are in Jell-O and I'm not one of them. The energy required to make it, empty nutritional value and absolute secrecy concerning what's in it makes Jell-O the perfect food product for 20th century empire and 21st century imperium.

The Golden Arches - McDonald's Restaurants are sanctified chapels for the Marxist religion known a "Liberalism" or "Progressivism" in New Deal/Great Society America. The ubiquitous ugliness, uniform design, garish color scheme, tasteless menu (functionally and aesthetically) make these roadside shrines the epitome of a contemporary sacred space unifying the "community" of brainwashed consumers otherwise known as citizen/subjects of the techno-fascist imperium. Millions upon millions of happy customers break bread with Ronald the Clown on any given day and a few billion more non-believers are touched by omnipresent advertising, sponsorship, charity and garbage littering the broad highway of the universal mind.

These are my top three and while a full list would include The Eagles 1976 balled "Hotel California" and the Disney theme park ride "It's A Small World" among hundreds of lesser touchstones which have been the subject of me grabbing my clown bell to ring loud, ring often these past 20 years a line must be drawn. YOU MUST!

Our life, or to be more precise a fuzzy part of our lives, is played out in this disposable, energy consuming, low value metasphere filled with cheap lies, mass produced garbage (yes, garbage) and the quantity of time spent there depends on our actions. It's hard to ignore this fake domain completely but a few helpful practices for escaping the prison are useful: Don't watch TV - Find time to pray and meditate - spend time outside in nature - get married and have children - work on something - care for animals and plants - listen to quality music - play games and sports - wear nice clothing - eat nutritious food - make love, not war. The QUALITY of time spent in Clown World which is, as I say, almost unavoidable in the information age is, to a great extent, dependent on the individual psychic frame and strength of will. One option for a (kind of) quality life is to collapse the personal frame into the collective structure and exert all power and influence into reenforcing the establishment bulwark. The other road (less traveled) is to Fight, Fight, Fight in resistance to the New World Order or whatever government agency is euthanizing pet squirrels in rural New York State. Searching out, discovering and exploring God's creation (i.e. Reality) is the time tested way out of the mental cell I'm describing and it's my hope that anyone reading this will choose that challenging path and earn its rewards.

Back in the 1990's when William Jefferson Blythe III was running for POTUS under the pseudonym Bill Clinton he would frequently pass under the Golden Arches to prove, as if it needed proving, his common taste and populist authenticity. It was such a lowbrow and midwit stunt that I had hours of mirth ridiculing the (D)emocRAT swells I was socializing with along the DC-NYC-Boston power corridor in those halcyon days. They didn't mind my McRibbing because the HillBilly duo was winning which is all that matters to them and, as has been revealed over the past few weeks, when they're not winning they loose their sense of humor on the McDonald's issue. Lotus Flower thought she could earn some proletariat glaze by falsely claiming to have worked at McDonald's in her Canadian youth - big mistake. When a trolling Trump works a shift at the fryer and hands out bags of Goyslop to worshiping consumers the same Leftist 1%ers who loved everyman Clampett's act can't abide the GOP thespian. Not me (I fucking love it) and not because I support MickyD's or the hideous strip-mall wasteland it facilitates across the fruited plain but because it proves, yet again, that Donald John Trump is beating them at their own game because he is one of them. He knows their playbook, understands their tactics and plays the game by their rules - when they go low, he goes lower and when they go lower still, he goes even lower. He drags them down into the muddy swamp and drowns them with joyful exuberance and ruthless determination.

The Uniparty can't beat Trump so they have to lie about him, spy on him, defame him, impeach him, cheat him, prosecute him and attempt to kill him but he keeps on winning. He's going to win again on November 5th in a landslide - I expect Virginia to be called by 9PM ET and MAGA will paint America orange until Commifornia casts it's lonely electoral votes for the Lost Cause of the New Confederacy. It's been over since the Jo(((k)))e Brandon debate after which deals were cut and agreements were sealed which, being the sore losers they are, lead to the do-or-die shooting on 7/13 in Butler PA. They rolled out Kamala to take the fall for the current disgraceful and illegitimate regime that is going to get fired by We the People in about 24 hours. Unfortunately, because elections are fake and GAE there is no guarantee that election results will reflect the peoples choice but my hope is that Trump will work the same magic on voting machines that he did in 2016. The theory espoused by the KOTCB in the Obligatory Report On The Techno-Fascist Imperium that Team Trump "stole" the election from Hitlery got confirmation from Megyn Kelly and Steve Bannon today when they reminisced about their respective data dumps from exit poll workers on that pivotal election day. Listen for yourself 11 minutes in:

They all knew it was Her. They were all told that she was going to win and then something happened... "he snuck up on Her" and the rest is HIStory instead of HERstory. It will go down as one of the ballsiest moves of US political history and for pulling it off and changing the very consciousness of America and the world Donald Trump deserves 4 more years in the White House. When he wins and if the Deep State allows him to secure his victory the Elvis from Queens will have earned his spot on Mount Rushmore and his aura will eclipse fire, water and earth as the most glorious symbol of the 21st Century. It's' an amazing time to be alive.


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