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Disposable |
In our time of conflict and confusion as we ride out the earthquake of the cultural revolution and the tsunami of the digital revolution and the meteor strike of the Trump Presidency it is a popular pastime to attempt to pinpoint the root cause or start date for all the pain and disappointment. Was it the Kennedy assassination (the first one - JFK) when America "lost its innocence" or the 1967 Summer of Love with its degenerate hippy ethos or was it Nixon's impeachment and the silent coup which installed Jimmy Peanut or the Reagan Restoration? Do our troubles have even deeper roots? The McCarthy Witch Hunts of the 1950's when Russian operatives had infiltrated key parts of the US Government (hey, wait a second...) or maybe the establishment of the Administrative State, the Intelligence Community and the Military/Industrial Complex under FDR's New Deal. Perhaps it was the American Civil War (War Between the States) and the forced union and reconstruction of our country that set the stage for our contemporary bickering and recriminations. Or it could be that our irreconcilable differences run in a crooked line all the way back to 1776 and the establishment of this great nation comprised, at the time, of a ragtag band of brothers sprinkled throughout 13 distinct Colonies on the eastern shore of a vast and unconquered New World. Everyone has an opinion but I peg Year Zero at 1973 when the disposable lighter came to market and society at large said to itself, "Flick my BIC."
What to me is the KOTCB? - this blog is like the portable fire I hold in my pants. The source of a thousands (points) of lights or plastic trash I can lose without care because another one costing a dollar sits at my local convenience store. Disposable. Something that only the gods could harness and deliver to man - something that was guarded and laborious to create for almost all of human history is now packaged in a colorful tube and tossed around without a care in the world. An instrument of ignition to start burning charcoal in my grill, set off fireworks or torch a bonfire that devours the earth.
Dear J_Patriot - #MeToo - I too am tired of this bullshit. I know exactly what you're saying in your tweet and I feel the same way.This week,— J_Patriot_🇺🇸 (@J_TrumpIN) July 6, 2019
Dems spent more time campaigning in Mexico than America
Obama first President in 190 years to not Include citizenship question in census.
Nike pulled patriotic Betsy Ross shoe due to Kneeler Kaepernick
Media crushing Trump for “airports”
Who else tired of this BS?
The Democrat party is a disaster - the candidates for POTUS suck: KOTCB Dark Horse
The census counts citizens - not slaves: KOTCB Before Sumter
Patriotism is not something to be worn: KOTCB Don't Look Away
#FakeNews is the Enemy of the American People: KOTCB Sharks and Clowns and Nerds
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”
- Frederick Douglass
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Slave |