Trump/Schmidt |
For the past few years I've been watching this tool named Steve Schmidt on MSNBC and suffered his tweets popping up unfollowed on my twitter feed where he spouts all kinds of #NeverTrump vitriol while wrapping himself in the red, white and blue. Yes, he is by all appearance a disgruntled GOP apparatchik who is fully committed to the Bush, Schwarzenegger, McCain vision of "Country First" which, being an American communications and public affairs strategist, is a slogan he probably invented. I never pay much attention to what these #NeverTrump haters say since they've been dead wrong for the past 3 years about everything (not almost everything, but... EVERYTHING) they ever predict but when I saw the meme above scroll across my FB feed today I had an epiphany - Donald J. Trump is masquerading as a #NeverTrumper named Steve Schmidt.
Talk about your Deep State all you want but this diabolical play is beyond genius and rivals Michelle Obama's female impersonation for pure hutzpah. How has Trump been pulling this off for the past 3 years and, presumably, all the years before that? I'm floored, but delighted and have come to view Schmidt's spittle filled squawking in a whole new light. Watch
Steve Schmidt says the current president will “burn down everything”, "constitutional crisis", "heading toward the Supreme Court", "no institution sacred enough", "the smaller base is a harder and more intense one", and on, and on, and on... The Republican party is smaller but more devoted to Trump and "40% of the country has surrendered their intellectual sovereignty to Donald Trump" which is the kind of thing that The Elvis from Queens wants MSNBC zombies to believe. There is "no such thing as subjective truth" but "what the leader believes is true" so submit. Crazy hypnotic messaging coming straight from Trump, disguised as Schmidt, into every MSNBC household gullible enough to watch Big Brother Black Rock.