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where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?

When it comes to Hip Hop/Rap music I'm old-school because, well, I'm old. I was one of those pale fellows mixing it up with the crowd at Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five shows in '83 and I have a nostalgic soft spot for the more innocent and melodic "songs" from my youth. Please don't think of me as a prude or high minded scold who Rights-off this vibrant and important (in my view) category of music just because I've lived long enough to be there at the beginning and watch the full evolution/devolution of the genre. As far as today's Rap Music scene is concerned I'm neither East Coast or West Cost but align myself with the Dirty South and truth tellers like T.I. (even if he did have to take it back) and his innovative enterprises like Blackstock. I'm down with almost anything out of Hotlanta - Outkast, B.o.B. (I love anyone who believes the earth is flat) and keep going down to Three 6 Mafia and still further down to the Crescent City where you'll find what I think is the greatest voice in all of Rap music - I'm talking about Lil Wayne. A brilliant artist in his own right who has crafted memorable tunes like Lollipop it is his collaborations with other Rap artists (there are many) that draws the sharp contrast between the Lil giant and his lilliputian compatriots. Two of these stand out - the first being Lil Wayne's work with B.o.B on Strange Clouds where he tops the top dog and delivers a knockout against, let's face it, a truly talented collaborator. The second is more complex and requires some explanation because the Eminem song No Love (one of his best IMHO) gives Lil Wayne the lead-in and then uses his singular talents to accentuate or emphasize important moments in Eminem's rhymes which make up the second verse of the song. Now I'm not going to claim that Lil Wayne out-raps Eminem in this song because as Slim Shady points out "I'm standing on my Monopoly board, that means I'm on top of my game and it don't stop till my hip don't hop anymore" and in this case he's absolutely right. Eminem is raw, very funny, sometimes maudlin but when it comes to the Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers aspect of spitting out rhymes this dude has few equals and No Love shows off this verbal alacrity with a "top of my game" KO. But I will say that Lil Wayne's shiftless and menacing lead-in lays waist to the conscious mind and clears the rink, so to speak, for Eminem to do his thing in the second round. From the opening line - "Throw dirt on me and grow a wild flower but it's 'fuck the world', get a child out her" the stage is set and Lil Wayne's delivery - the voice - is just incredible and creates a sharp contrast between the first and second verse of the song. Check it out:

Why am I even writing about this? Well, if you've been watching the news over the past week or so you've probably heard that Kanye West loves Trump (as a person) and believes in free thought (KOTCB readers already know this about Kanye see West World) which has people questioning his sanity and hating on him for real. I've questioned Kanye's sanity myself - NOT for his Trump Love but for his immersion in the Kardashian Project because when I see what these broads did to Bruce Jenner it takes my breath away and I wouldn't get near them, but that's me. Of course Kanye loves Trump because the guy who wrote Gold Digger (Stormy Daniels), Stronger (Jim Comey), Can't Tell Me Nothing (#NeverTrump), All Of The Lights (Syria) and Jesus Walks (this broken world) knows Trump's soul in a very deep and meaningful way. Lil Wayne doesn't even know who Donald Trump is. Eminem will Hate Trumps Love forever and has gone all in, regardless of what his fans think, on running down the POTUS and speaking truth to power but, much to Em's dismay, the power isn't speaking back.
“I feel like he’s not paying attention to me,” said Eminem, on Shade 45, shortly after the BET Freestyle. “I was kinda waiting for him to say something, and for some reason, he didn’t say anything.”
The "reason" that Trump isn't taking phone to hand and tweeting an obligatory insult to Eminem is because Trump Loves Eminem's Hate and enjoys watching Mathers twist in the wind and have, what appears to be, a psychotic episode in reaction to the MAGA agenda. When the average Trump voter thinks of Eminem the image is of a degenerate wigger who's made millions ($190M) filling their children's, and now grandchildren's (he's been rapping for 30 years) , head with poison. In other words, Eminem is the problem that Trump was elected to solve and the fact that Em hates him and everything he represents is confirmation that America made the right choice in Nov. 2016. The ironic part, for me anyway, is that Eminem's "No Love" could (and probably should) be used as a replacement for the Stone's "You Can't Always Get What You Want" as the Trump theme song for the 2020 campaign. If that seems a strange idea to you then take a minute and read the lyrics and you'll see that word for word it represents the Trump presidency and his victory over all Eminemies (Dems, GOP old guard, #FakeNews, Deep State, whores & fools of every stripe).

It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just (don't hurt me)
That's right (don't hurt me)
And I don't need you (no more)
Don't want to see you (no more)
Bitch, you get (no love)
You showed me nothin' but hate, you ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
I don't need you (don't hurt me)
That's right (don't hurt me)
And I don't need you (no more)
Don't want to see you (no more)
Bitch, you get (no love, no love, no love, no love)
Bitch, you get (no love, no love, no love)
And I don't need you (no more); get 'em!

As for Ye, well, he's going through a red-pill transformation and it's blowing everyone's mind - including his:

And that changing of the mind has pitted Mr. West against The People where Kanye speaks for himself and the voice of The People is represented by, you guessed it, T. I. who, as I've said many times, is one of my favorite rappers and might well find his own mind changing over time. There's no telling how it will all play out, but the fact that this conversation is taking place outside the walls of the Hoover Institution and the AEI where egg heads have been making these arguments for decades is a positive #MAGA development. Kanye will feel the burn of Progressive Politics retribution but Jesus Walks and I trust that the Lord will protect him.


Francis said…
Thanks great bblog

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