Things have been kind of quite over @realDonaldTrump for the past few days and that's usually a foreboding sign of a building tweetstorm on the horizon. Trump crushed them with the Comey firing and the reaction has been swift and terrible, as it often is when Trump drives a stake in their heart, but if history is any guide the POTUS hunkers down and waits for his enemies to exhaust themselves with spin, denunciation and doomsday prophesy before dropping another bomb (or series of bombs) that completely discombobulates the narrative and leaves his detractors speechless. Comey was the bulwark protecting many evil and nefarious people from scrutiny and, quite possibly, prosecution. At first you wondered why the Democrats, Republicans and News Media were so indignant over the sacking of a man who provided such lousy leadership for the bureau of government he was entrusted to oversee. Let's face it, Comey was a horrible choice for FBI director and his testimony, commentary and commencement speeches prove it so why the consternation, aside from the obvious reasons, over Trump giving him the hook?
- He knows where many Clinton bones are buried and he's been diligently keeping the DOJ from finding them.
- He has been hiding info on the Seth Rich murder for almost a year which implicates the DNC
- He knows the Russia espionage investigation was an order from Obama and he's all over the FISA requests and unmasked info that got spread around the IC just before Trump took office.