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Total Eclipse

Greatest Headline of All Time

Those readers living outside of Charlottesville, VA or Central Virginia proper might not be aware of the ongoing effort to pull down and move the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee from the town square otherwise known as Lee Park (not named after Harper Lee or Bruce Lee or Stan Lee but after the same Robert E. Lee). Charlottesville is a college town and like all college towns it's filled with college professors and assorted flakes who vote nincompoops into elected office as their representatives so it was no surprise to me when back in April the city council decided to do this:
"Despite a pending court case that will ultimately determine the general’s fate, the Charlottesville City Council voted 3-2 Monday night to sell the city’s statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee."
"Confederate General" is a sad, marginalizing descriptor for what surly must be one of the greatest Americans to ever walk this land and lead its people by personal example of virtue and valor seldom matched in human history. A true son of the revolution ("The General" was the son of Major-General Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee III) this American was a husband, father, engineer, soldier, Indian hunter, farmer, warrior and educator. He knew exactly what the American Revolution was all about and when the dream collapsed in 1860 he was forced to make a choice between submission to blackguard usurpers from the north or defense of his native Virginia - he chose Virginia. In doing so he lead, mentored, loved and extinguished the flower of Southern manhood which is a legacy he would never (could never) forgive himself for. The best he could do - and he did it - was ensure a true and peaceful reconciliation of the waring states and heal the breach that he had played so important a part in tearing, day by bloody day, in his beloved nation. You want to sell off the monument erected to honor this man? Who, in today's world, will mount a vigorous defense to thwart this travesty of historical justice and force you - shame you - into atonement with all that is fair and good?

Why, the Ku Klux Klan of course. NOT a local politician (or federal politician), an educator or historian nor a celebrity could be found to defend this heroic soul but only the decedents of those scoundrels Lee refused to let join his army - the frigg'n KKK. And so last weekend 50 klan members marched at Lee Park to protest the removal of a statue of a man who would almost certainly have despised them. And that brought out the Antifa, trustifarian, SJW's in "resistance" to white supremacy and other contemporary problems like, for instance, the US system of government and gave them cause to disrupt and hate. Which lead to the greatest headline of all time in The Daily Progress on Sundays paper proclaiming that the KKK had been Eclipsed and that, my friends, is the absolute truth. The Klan could never, even in their wildest dreams, come up with a system of oppressive terror to destabilize minority communities than the shit that's advocated by BLM and their "progressive" comrades that include MS-13 and other organized gangs.

Where was I during this clash of civilizations? I was in the yoga studio downward dogging my way to happiness and painting pictures in a truly unique experience that combined yoga and drawing. Robert E Lee wouldn't have even been able to conceive that someone could be living the life I live in 21st Century Virginia. The country he fought for is long, long gone but his example lives on.

Yoga Art


Earlyman said…
Holy shit. What an article/post. I am basically speechless. So I am going to leave this comment here. I wish everyone could read this article!
Anonymous said…
When you find yourself on one side of an argument with no one else but the KKK, perhaps some personal reflection is in order. Unless, of course, you're comfortable with their company.
This blog post IS a moment of reflection dipshit and I'm very satisfied with my conclusion. In short, Charlottesville VA is not worthy of the Robert E Lee statue and it should be moved to a location better suited (politically, culturally and spiritually) for a monument to this great American.
Anonymous said…
Easy, snowflake. I didn't intend to trigger you with some helpful advice. Keep up the name calling and you might lose 1 of your 2 readers. (That's -50%!) The argument you make in your reflection is weak.
100K+ page views from all over the world Anon and still going strong. You're "advice" is not helpful and your assessment of my argument is insufficient so I'm not triggered - I'm lazily swatting you away. Stop reading the blog - I couldn't care less and I don't write it for you anyway.
Anonymous said…
More than 100,000 views! Good job! However, I can tell that swatting isn't the only thing you do lazily. Learn the difference between "your" and "you're" and you might attract some literate followers who respect your writing. It might boost those numbers too (that was the last piece of advice, I swear). You'll get there, champ!
Anonymous said…
Honestly, I regret posting that. I'll stop.

(..but really, "you're" is a contraction.)
Anon - you have no conception of what this blog is all about. I don't want more viewers and I couldn't care less about grammar and spelling. Sometimes I don't even make sense. This blog has a target audience of 3 people who matter and they just read through the typos and laziness to he heart of the matter. Try it, you'll get there too (maybe).

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