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Get Faxed

There was a time, back in the spring of this year, when friends and acquaintances (and sometimes perfect strangers) would ask me if I’d had the COVID-19 vaccine and I’d scoff “fuck no” while staring them down as they made arguments in favor of the jab. I grew tired of listening to their twisted “logic” and judgmental moralizing so now I’ve formulated a new, more nuanced response to these prying inquiries and confidently say “yes, I’ve been faxinated.” I wait a moment exchanging smiles and eye contact before poking back, “now, can I ask you a question? Do you think I would lie about getting the vaccine?”

Oh, I feel the hate flow through them. Not immediately, no, it takes time for my question to sink in to their programmed hive mind but after a few seconds the fact that I feel no guilt or remorse (and I mean not even a little) about telling a bald faced lie about my vaccine status to these NPC busybodies sets off a thermonuclear mind bomb in their head. It’s hilarious and these Jo(((k)))ers just have to suck it up because I’ve already told them I’m faxed so there’s nothing to argue about. Fighting about the Chinavirus is not worth any time or energy on my part and I simply refuse to make the contagion a gating issue in any aspect of my life and that includes travel, social events, work or any other thing.

Some people have told me that they would feel uncomfortable shamelessly lying to friends and authorities about their vaccine status to which I ask, “what world do you think we’re currently living in? An honest world? A world in which friends and authorities are telling us the truth about COVID-19?”

When asked if we're going to get to a point where eye protection is recommended, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases responded, "It might, if you really want perfect protection of the mucosal surfaces. You have mucosa in the nose, mucosa in the mouth, but you also have mucosa in the eye," he continued. "Theoretically, you should protect all the mucosal surfaces. So if you have goggles or an eye shield you should use it."
Dr. Anthony Fauci July 30, 2020

Full Fauci

One year ago I posted this photo on social media mocking overlord Fauci and his preposterous suggestion that Americans should consider wearing goggles when venturing out of the house. I’m not making that up - we all have short memories but you can look it up yourself. To be clear, by 7/31/2020 I had been living “as normal,” meaning no mask, no social distancing, no fear, for over 3 months and I figured all this COVID-19 bullshit would dry up and blow away after Election Day in November. The fact that “authorities” in August of 2021 are floating the idea of “masking up” AGAIN has moved this “pandemic” from a clown world joke to a legitimate civil liberties issue. Wake up people! The world that our “leaders” are creating is not worth living in and, unless you’re a fool, certainly not worth fighting for. Please stop submitting to these heartless “scientific” scum but until you do stop don’t expect a straight answer from me.

That’s not fair, right? That’s just selfish and reckless behavior from an egotistical ass-hole. You have the right to set the rules for who enters your house or works for your company or interacts with you and anyone close to you for that matter. It’s downright unpatriotic to impose my unvaccinated hairy hide on the good and virtuous law abiding strongly encouraged lab (democ)rats of this United States. It’s wrong, no, it’s worse than that, it’s evil… you can see where this is going.

Like I said, I’m not going to fight about it. This way of living is not worth fighting for and I’d like to say that one more time because it’s the most important point that I can make about this Jo(((k)))e Biden version of America - IT’S NOT WORTH FIGHTING FOR. If you are part of the ruling regime or buy into the mountain of lies that have come out of the Federal Government in Washington DC or the State Governments that take orders from oligarchs, corporations and unions then I’m not going to argue with you. Watch the FakeNews fear programming, read the hate on social media and feel good about yourself while you still live. But don’t judge me too harshly when I look you in the eye and lie like a motherfucker because that’s how I’m gonna get by.

And while you sit there stewing in the bile of anger my indolence has showered upon you ask yourself a few questions:
  1. Since most knowledgeable people now agree that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originated in the P4 weapons lab in Wuhan, China do you think the scientists only created one strain of the virus?
  2. If the CCP manufactured COVID-19 as a bio-weapon then how many unique strains of the virus do you think they would create?
  3. Did you know that the annual budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is $10 Billion annually and that means they have received over $200 Billion this century?
  4. If you were given $200 Billion would you be able to formulate a coherent “plan” for controlling (at the very least) and preventing the spread of a pandemic?
  5. Nancy Messonnier was the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC when the pandemic started so do you think it’s a coincidence that her brother is former US deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein?
That’s all, five questions and they’re high level basic mysteries that you can answer yourself without any research - no rabbit holes. I’m not asking you to look into the Georgia Guidestones or Agenda 21 or Fauci’s vaccine patents or anything that might freak you out. I’ll even give you the answers 1. No, 2. Hundreds, 3, No, 4. Yes, 5. WTF? So, you see, the facts are on my side which is why I implore you to get faxed.


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