Isn't it rich? The Keeper of the Clown Bell is a semi-secret society dedicated to exposing the clowns in our midst. Ring Loud, Ring Often!
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Honk Honk, give me Clown Kek or give me oof
secret racists
The KOTCB blog has been published since 2004 with a singular focus of identifying societies clowns and making fun of them so you can imagine the shock this lighthearted publication felt when Right Wing Watch splashed this headline a few days ago: White Nationalists Adopt Clowns as Their Next Racist Symbol (Yes, Seriously). Say it ain't so... Joe. If white nationalists "adopt clowns" to represent their race based approach to society, economics and culture then this blog is going to be very busy and the right-wing shall kek while the left-wing gets kerfuzzled. I happen to be a right-wing Francophileand a non-white supremacist member of the Alt-Right, if by Alt-Right you mean someone who's opposed to losing like the "traditional" right exemplified by Conservative Inc., so I'm already befuddled by the assertions the watch dogs are making about clown memes. On the face of it, nothing will change for this blog - we'll still "Ring Loud, Ring Often" and the clowns will be identified and shamed just like they have been for the past 15 years but now the White Nationalists, Racists Klansmen and Nazis will be adopting these clowns as THEIR symbols. Not good news for a regular guy like Joe Biden - Yeet!
Keeper of the Clown Bell - Isn't it Rich?
I meme, therefore I laugh and that is the secret to Making America Great Again - humor. It is a simple fact that people who have a sense of humor are winning while those who can't laugh - or can only fake laugh - are losing.
If the past week of Joe Biden groping memes hasn't brought a smile to your face then there is something wrong with YOU. His political history is filled with mistakes, bad calls, plagiarism, lies, inappropriate comments and physical touching that played out right in front of everyone for decades and it always received the same basic response:
"He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list. He was very gracious and I have no problem with Joe Biden."
A simple google search will show the rise of Kek since this KOTCB blog was launched and though I have had almost nothing to do with the Green Gods "adoption" (yet) I will proudly assume the my vital role in promoting this movement - whatever it is - and enjoying myself along the way. If the Southern Poverty Law Center and Right Wing Watch (People For the American Way) are going to chain Clowns to Hitler and degenerate the mission of this Blog in a McCarthyite guilt by association then, by God, I'm going full Pepe and will not be holding back. You think this is some kind of game? Where the left, right and center unite and foist their idiotic world view on the rest of us - their homogenized, boilerplate political gruel exemplified by "Left, Right & Center" - KCRW’s weekly civilized yet provocative confrontation over politics, policy and pop culture hosted Josh Barro (center) where this week's episode "The links between a president and his golf game" had Rich Lowry of NatReview (right) and Elizabeth Bruenig of WaPo (left) is what this blog is dedicated to exposing and, with luck and faith, destroying. The radio program covered Biden's hands, nose and lips along with the border crisis and chief SCOTUS Roberts but a big segment of the show was dedicated to Donald J Trump's golf game and what his style of play (cheating) says about the man. I'm obliged to say that I'm not making this up - this program did actually discuss an entire book written on the subject of how stories and hearsay about Trump golfing practice illuminate the deeper aspects of the man's character and, this might surprise you, prove him to be unfit for the presidency. Who gives a shit what Rick Reilly thinks about Trump and his caddyshack? As this blog (KOTCB Trump forces Golf to commit suicide) pointed out in Dec. 2015 Trump says, "hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!" and THAT IS his golf game. Why have any political spectrum at all, to say nothing of political parties, if the "argument" is focused on trivial griping and speculation? I'd rather get my news from 4chan and MAGA then submit to a Politically Correct world without Clowns.
She was "sexy", but "too much hard work." I'm a regular Fox & Friends viewer (mostly in protest of the other insipid morning programs like Today and Good Morning America) so over the years I've gotten to know Gretchen Carlson pretty well. Stuck between Steve and Brian she always seemed a prudish scold with an irritating, self-righteous demeanor that I simply put up with because I figured some people in the Fox audience actually liked her persona. It was obvious that Steve and Brian did not, but they were stuck with her like so many talking heads and had to make the best of it - which they did. Besides, she was no worse than any of the other women on morning show TV - I mean, you're only going to find a certain kind of person to do this kind of work and that kind of person is the Gretchen Carlson kind. Then, one day, she was gone and replaced by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the F&F ratings began to climb, and climb and climb - in two months view...
I've been tempted to post something on the KOTCB blog since the day the Elvis from Queens tweeted about Mika's bleeding face and the ensuing media meltdown flooded the broadcast airways and Internet with gunk. But every frigg'n day @POTUS lets loose another tweet or 2 that usurps whatever I was going to say the day before so I've just been waiting and watching and loving every minute of it. With Sunday's napalm strike he might have finally brought them to their knees - but there's always tomorrow. The latest tweet was immediately condemned by journalists, who said Trump seemed to be promoting physical violence against the media, while a Republican lawmaker said the president was trying to "weaponize distrust" through his postings. "Promoting physical violence" or a tactic to "weaponize distrust" don't explain it folks - this is total war waged by a pachyderm with old, scared hide who's been beaten and whipped for so ...
In the Techno-Fascist Imperium the "Holidays" festivities start on Columbus Day, when the Halloween candy pops up, and end New Years Day with college football Bowl games, black-eyed peas and collard greens. To be clear, the Imperium doesn't celebrate Columbus Day, au contraire, the Indigenous Peoples' Day psyop has been pushed hard by the IC for the past 50 years of failure but the candy... THE CANDY. This year's IPD got turned up to eleven when the colonizers of America's 51st state got kidnapped, raped and murdered by some indigenous maniacs on Sukkot 10/7 and, as a result, soured the festive '23 Holiday mood. Hey, we soldiered on, as it were, and kept on celebrating while the world burned: Halloween - Big for children and weirdos. Thanksgiving - Focus on God, country and family. Hannukkah - Jewish assimilation. Xmas - Santa Claus and gifts. Kwanzaa - Black Lives Matter. I'd call them Happy Holidays if it wasn't a neo-Nazi dog whistle to vocal...