Faithful readers of the KOTCB blog know that
I already called this back in March after State dropped the secret e-mail server bomb on Hillbilly and I don't claim to be a soothsayer but as
Hannibal from the A-Team used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together." Cue
the aptly named Josh Earnest at
this mornings presser:
"The president has indicated that his view that the decision that he made, I guess 7 years ago now, to add Joe Biden to the ticket as his running mate was the smartest decision that he has ever made in politics. And I think that should give you some sense into the president's view into Vice President's aptitude for the top job," Earnest said.
There is a lot to say about this quote but cutting to the chase the word
aptitude is not one I would associate with Lunch Bucket Joe. He is relentless, boorish, stupid and a liar but, believe it or not, those are not natural abilities for being the President of the United States (or at least they shouldn't be). Maybe in this political environment they are. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited at the prospect of a Biden run as this blog will write itself for the next 4-6 months but I feel almost certain that John Kerry and Al Gore will be incapable of sitting on the sidelines while the pompous ass they were forced to eat lunch with for decades stumbles his way toward the Democrat nomination. It's going to be a blue winter in New Hampshire with a lot of blood on the snow before they make it to South Carolina.
Sadly, this was the smartest decision that 0 has ever made in politics |