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28 Point Program

Coital alignment technique
Here's how it went down on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows in their round table discussions:

Meet the Press
Welcome back, panel is here. Stuart Stevens, first time joining us on the panel, was Mitt Romney's chief strategist in 2012, Yamiche Alcindor, national political reporter for The New York Times, Eliana Johnson, Washington Editor for the National Review, welcome to the table for the first time and Tom Friedman, columnist for The New York Times.
 Fox New Sunday
WALLACE:  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump arguing at Wednesday's debate who has more valuable experience to be our next president.
And it's time now for our Sunday group. GOP strategist Karl Rove, Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, bob Woodward of The Washington Post, and Kimberley Strassel from The Wall Street Journal.
Face the Nation
CBS News contributor Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, Jamelle Bouie of Slate Magazine, Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic and Ed O'Keefe of the Washington Post discuss the final days of campaign 2016. 
This Week With George Stephanopoulos
STEPHANOPOULOS: Tom Hanks a pretty good Chris Wallace right there.
Let's talk about this week with our roundtable. Joined by our political analyst Matthew Dowd, Republican strategist Sara Fagen, Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, senior editor of "The National Review", Jonah Goldberg, and the editor and publisher of "The Nation", Katrina Vanden Heuval. 
Read the names - Every one of them a #NeverTrump stooge talking down the candidate two weeks before the general election. This is a huge, horrible lie that's being shouted at the American voter and the desperation of the corporate media is palpable. If Trump were really out of the running than what harm in having one advocate for The Elvis from Queens join your little circle? Because he's not losing or, at least, he's not losing bad enough so it's time to pull out all the stops and try to sink his candidacy. It's too late. They can't stop it because it's really not about Trump and it never has been.

One of my favorite arguments that I deploy against my socialist friends is a little thought experiment that hinges on the success of socialism itself. As a countries political system becomes more and more socialistic following the model of the "good" international, multi-cult, tolerant communism with a human face kind of socialism there is always the possibility that a nation's people will say to themselves, "hey, if we've got to live with this socialism thing, why not make it a National Socialism that preserves what we've got instead of giving it all away?" Well, that will never happen because that's what they've told me over and over and over again every time I've proposed the concept.

So when Trump delivered a speech on his Contract with the American Voter I shouldn't draw any comparison with National-Socialist German Workers’ Party 25 Point program because they're very different (and in the details they are very different) and National Socialism can't happen here in the USA anyway because we've got this great constitution and all that. But what if the US Constitution is functionally irrelevant and routinely violated both in action and spirit by successive administrations from both political parties and the voters decide that the words on the paper don't mean anything to the ruling class unless they're using them to justify some law (abortion, gay marriage) they can't convince the citizenry to vote for? What if We the People start to view the US Constitution as cynically as Beltway ruling "We" see it? They will look upon it and spit, then vote.


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