There's something kind of sad in the design of the MoveOn.Org web site which is hard to describe, but I'll give it a shot. It's simple and it's clean with bold Red&Blue colors on a White background, but there is this institutional, public sector quality to the site that jumps right out at you. It's almost like they designed it with a focus on making it comfortable for SEIU members who must spend their working hours looking at very similar web sites which deliver regulatory information, forms for procurement, policy papers or tax information (honestly I go on listing for many paragraphs). It's bland, stale and lifeless or (ironically) un-moving just like the Socialist utopia the organization tirelessly advocates.
BTW, 340,000 people would make MoveOn the second largest city in Denmark.
All that being said, there is something wonderful about 80% of the Move On "members" voting to endorse a Constitutional Monarchist for President instead of the wife of the man that gave their organization life - spurred it into social media existence as it were. Younger readers probably don't know that Hilary's husband was in the process of being impeached 17 years ago and, because he was guilty, it was quite possible that he'd be booted out of office and forced to slink back to Arkansas. Solution: Pay no attention citizens, Move On!, nothing to see here - go on, get.. keep walking. An entire organization was developed to deny reality and pretend, so even though it's ironic, I guess you'd have to say that Move On has remained faithful to its founding principles and mission statement. Feel the Bern HRC, feel the Bern.