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At Home He’s A Tourist

"The Indian smiles, he thinks that the cowboy is his friend. The cowboy smiles, he is glad the Indian is fooled. Now he can exploit him."

Chief's of Staff and their puppets

The lads from Leeds that made up Gang of Four and released the 1979 LP titled "entertainment!" (note the exclamation point) were crypto commie art students and hipsters (before there were hipsters) in the pre-Thatcher British mode. As this blog has pointed out on previous occasions it is often "men of the Left" who blurt out the truth and strike a chord even when their intention is diametrically opposed to truth telling. It all comes down to a sly bit of Agitprop plastered on the cover of the album with shots of an Indian (the Native American kind) and a Cowboy shaking hands and the words - "The Indian smiles, he thinks that the cowboy is his friend. The cowboy smiles, he is glad the Indian is fooled. Now he can exploit him." Very clever but the key to the riddle is the last sentence which does not define who is "he" and who is "him" so we must assume that both parties are exploiting each other - or, at least, that's how I read it.

"The Squad" have been making waves in DC, especially since they ran the good ship USSA into the Trump iceberg last Sunday, but this is a much bigger fight than having Daddy send these girls to their room to think about their behavior and correct it. They might come around but the only reason he had to get involved is because they don't listen to their mother and are treating her with disrespect. Why don't they obey Nancy P. and follow instructions? Because their boyfriends - those no good meddling fools who only want one thing (and one thing only) are whispering lies and fantasies in the girls ear and leading off the garden path. These kids need a chaperone but that's so old fashioned and, to be honest, Mommy has no one to blame but herself. Bad parenting. Bad examples. Bad ideas. And now the girls are almost lost so Daddy has brought down the law and yelled at them. So sad. It makes them so angry. He can't tell them what to do!!!

So who IS responsible for all the vitriol and anger? Sarah Groh, Saikat Chakrabarti, Connor McNutt and Ryan Anderson - that's who.

  1. Ayanna Pressley - Masshole staff (almost all female) Sarah Groh, Chief of Staff married to a guy named Stockless: "Brian proposed in the middle of the Boston Common after presenting Sarah with a picture of President Obama and the First Lady on their wedding day (the couple first met during the 2008 election)."
  2. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff is Saikat Chakrabarti - long knives are out for him
  3. Ilhan Omar - Connor McNutt chief of staff - yeah, he's the problem but... Let's not forget the rest of the staff: The Center for American Progress’s Jeremy Slevin will serve as both communications director and strategist for Omar. Slevin’s current job at the Center for American progress is that of Director of Antipoverty Advocacy. He has experience with the Fifth District as he was Keith Ellison’s communications director. Omar is succeeding Ellison who is now Minnesota’s Attorney General-elect.
  4. Rashida Tlaib - Chief of Staff Ryan Anderson: He has a BA in American, United States studies and civilization from George Washington University.

These are the people running the puppet show. These are the enemies of America and, unfortunately, if DJT sent the Congresswomen in "The Squad" back where they came from these scum would just find another "Indian" to exploit. The rot that brings a Ilhan Omar to the surface and bestows her with legislative power is much deeper and broader than the Somali community in Minnesota's 5th District. It goes straight to the top of the DNC and the oligarchs who run it, fund it and green-light prospective candidates to represent the party. These are the folks who need to get their minds right and understand something fundamental and powerful in American politics.

"Send Her Back"

Last Sunday Trump suggested that America hating immigrants (and children of immigrants) should go back to where they came from and fix the countries they fled (or their parents fled) to find a better life in the USA. If they DON'T want to do that (which they don't) then they should shut up with the hate and start appreciating the United States of America, our Flag, our Pledge of Allegiance, our noble history and all the other qualities that make it the greatest country on earth. Free to Leave - don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out (especially you Tliab) or Free to Stay if you start acting like American citizens who love their country. There was the predictable reaction by the #FakeNews Media and the Democrats and what had been Trump's Free to Leave became America's "Send Her Back" by Wednesday night. Even The Bulkwark seemed to get the magnitude of the change of heart.

If you think about it, the chant was more wretched even than Trump’s own despicable attacks against Omar and her cohorts. At least Trump was merely urging Omar and her colleagues to leave of their own accord. The North Carolina crowd sounded thirsty for them to be thrown onto a trans-Atlantic barge in a sack.

The people of North Carolina are feeling like tourists in their own home. You can like that reality (like Bill Kristol) or you can dislike it like the throngs of spontaneous chanters at the Trump Rally this week but one thing you can't do is deny that reality.

At home he feels like a tourist
He fills his head with culture
He gives himself an ulcer


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