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So help me God |
“Sometime in early 2018, Mr. Cohen was offered a substantial advance for a proposal regarding a book on understanding Donald Trump. Mr. Cohen ultimately elected not to proceed. In other words, POTUS has yet lied again...but what’s the difference between 9000 or 9001 lies?” Davis said in a statement.
Lie number 9,001? Try 9,000,000,001 Lanny and you'll start to get close to the number of lies, within lies, within lies that you and your patrons have inflicted on America which POTUS Trump was elected to clean up. As was pointed out in KOTCB Mission Acomplished (Again) there is no way that Michael Cohen will ever turn on Mr. Trump and this entire passion play is premeditated plan designed to blow up the Mueller Investigation and destroy any possible rationale for using Michael Cohen as a witness for other prosecutions. Watching it play out from where I sit is hilarious because the "real" Michael Cohen is so well documented for so many years - take this example from NPR LISTEN: How Michael Cohen Protects Trump By Making Legal Threats and I do suggest that you listen to the whole thing. That was a May 2018 report and by June 2018 Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen expects to be arrested any day now and Team Trump had been planning for this eventuality for a long, long time. Reading the transcript of Mr. Cohen's testimony before congress is a revelation:
I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr. Trump’s illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience.
I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is.
He is a racist.
He is a conman.
He is a cheat.
Oh, yes he is, he really, really is. He thinks black people run shithole countries, live like animals and are too stupid to vote for him. He inflates his net worth when he wants a loan to buy something but diminishes it when he's compelled to pay taxes - he also bids up his own portrait at auction. He sleeps with whores and buys their silence (or tries to buy it), kept his grades from high school and college private, and thought Vietnam was a stupid place to die. The dude is a real outlier, right? There's nobody else in America that fits this profile and it's amazing that America has not impeached Trump on principle - How could Cohen have worked for him for so long? No wonder he's so ashamed!!!
Umm, yeah, there is that part of the non-story that was kind of snuck into the testimony too and just because it completely exonerates Trump from any Russian "collusion" or espionage allegations doesn't mean anything. If the racist, conman and cheat stuff is true then so is the absolution Michael Cohen gave Mr. Trump on the Russia witch hunt.Michael Cohen, Trump's most trusted & intimate fixer who now hates him, was (a) never in Prague, (b) knows of no blackmail leverage the Kremlin has & (c) never heard any attempts to conspire with Russia over the election. The media silence over these crucial facts is deafening.— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 1, 2019
To our nation, I am sorry for actively working to hide from you the truth about Mr. Trump when you needed it most.
For those who question my motives for being here today, I understand. I have lied, but I am not a liar. I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your “fixer,” Mr. Trump.
I am going to prison and have shattered the safety and security that I tried so hard to provide for my family. My testimony certainly does not diminish the pain I caused my family and friends – nothing can do that. And I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from President Trump.
No pardon will be forthcoming Mr. Cohen - you will do your time and when you get out you'll find a healthy allowance waiting for you. Your wife and children will be taken care of while you're away and the sacrifice you and your family have made for the sake of this country will never be forgotten. Hold your head high - you have bamboozled the den of whores and thieves who would destroy our country and your President. They gave you no choice and you showed them what it is to be a man.