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You're Fired at 4AM

Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC brass, period. There's a lot of subterfuge going on in DC media circles focused on squashing the story and I have no doubt that they'll be successful in brushing it under the rug. The fact is, everyone in DC knew the guy was capped last summer because he leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks and they were fine with that punishment. That's the way the game is played and if Seth Rich didn't understand the rules, well, that's HIS fault. If you are a functioning, responsible and professional organization (political or otherwise) you simply can't have your IT staff stealing all your confidential email and giving it to anyone - especially not Julian A and his pirates. If you do that - if you're that fucking stupid - you will be shot in the back in the early morning hours. As far as the DC pros are concerned, killing Seth Rich isn't even a crime and that fundamental notion of institutional preservation is shared by Reince Priebus and Debbie Wasserman Schultz with equal conviction.

Let's take a look at how explains Rich's death and I think you'll see what I'm getting at:

Seth Rich was murdered in a senseless act of violence
Seth Rich worked in Democratic politics for most of his career. He grew up and went to college in Omaha, Nebraska, where as a student he volunteered on two Democratic Senate campaigns. After graduating, he moved to Washington, DC, for a job at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a progressive opinion research and consulting firm. He was later hired by the Democratic National Committee, where he worked on a project to help people find where to vote.
On Sunday, July 10, Rich was shot to death about a block from where he lived in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of DC. Gunshot detection microphones place the time of the shooting at around 4:20 am. Rich had last been seen at around 1:30 am leaving Lou’s City Bar in Columbia Heights, about a 40-minute walk from where he lived.
It is unclear exactly what happened during those three intervening hours. The Washington Post reported that, according to his parents, cellphone records show that Rich called his girlfriend at 2:05 am and talked to her for more than two hours. He hung up just minutes before he was shot.
The police found Rich on the sidewalk with multiple gunshot wounds, at least two in the back. He still had his watch, his cellphone, and his wallet. There were signs of a struggle: bruises on his hands, knees, and face, and a torn wristwatch strap. According to the police report, he was still “conscious and breathing.” Family members say they were told that Rich was “very talkative,” though it is not publicly known if he was able to describe his assailant or assailants. Rich died a few hours later in the hospital.
The police suspected Rich had been the victim of an attempted robbery. Bloomingdale is a gentrifying part of Washington that still suffers from violent crime. In 2016, there were 24 reported robberies with a gun that occurred within a quarter-mile of the street corner where Rich was shot.

  1. Rich was working deep in the pit of the DNC's IT Dept. and had access to the email servers and all related files. Have you ever been in one of these places? Servers piled high and racks humming away crunching bits - no one ever goes back there. Shit they don't know and they don't want to know how you do it Geek, just print up the report and then slither back to your nerd den.
  2. He was shot a block from his house at 4AM after making the trip from Columbia Heights to Bloomingdale. Let me tell you something, you could walk through Anacostia at 4AM and be perfectly safe - nobody is going to rob you at that hour because everyone is either already high, strung out or asleep.
  3. What the hell was Seth Rich talking to his girlfriend about for 2+hours at 2AM in the morning? Movies? Decorating the apartment? "Seth, I've really got to get some sleep" - "oh, come on, tell me one more time about that time your phone rang unexpectedly in the business meeting. I love that story."
  4. He gets off the phone and then he's "robbed" at gunpoint? The thieves were just waiting for him to finish his call I guess.
  5. Even a botched robbery at 4AM (which never happens) doesn't result in multiple gun shot wounds - one bullet is usually enough to stop the botching and convince the victim to hand over whatever he's got on his person. Two in the back makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. He was in the hospital for hours? Alive? WTF - no way. What did he say? Never mind.
  7. Not to put too fine a point on it, but there are no attempted robberies in Bloomingdale at 4AM in the morning and there are probably no robbery attempts on Seth Rich's street at all. The fact that armed robbery happens within a quarter mile radius means nothing because in DC, Baltimore, Old Town Alexandria, Richmond and other mid-Atlantic cities the relative safety of your surroundings can change dramatically block-to-block. Seth's street was probably a leafy DC wonderland of renovated brown stones and cute shops but a few blocks N, E, W or S might be an urban jungle.
Most importantly, the killers did their job and everyone in the DNC IT Dept. got the message loud and clear. Everyone in the entire organization clammed up tight and there was no leaks or complaining about anything to anyone. No bitching about the DWS firing or the Donna Brazil takeover. No grumbling when Perez demanded that EVERYONE submit a letter of resignation earlier this year. To this day, nobody says nothing and that's the way the leaders of these political parties like it. Back to the salt mines you mindless hacks now keep your head down and mouth shut. Don't say a word and remember what happened to Seth Rich.


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