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Ground Zero Today |
The truth is Merick Garland was never going to be a Supreme Court Justice - Just ask Hillary Clinton.
The "Nuclear Option" works out just fine if you give it a few decades to heal.Got this in my email last night from an expat reading the news (lies) from over seas.
"Mr. White Chocolate Chas T,
WTF is wrong with Trump?My response:
McMaster is poison to us
Need to get rid of Kushner
Restore Bannon right now
Get back to Flynn-like view of world as it really is
Anne Coulter has been right on every point
This is getting out of hand
Play offense
Stay on point"
- There’s a gigantic spook war going on in DC right now. Stakes are high.
- McMaster is the compromise Trump needs to make to keep them from taking him out.
- Jared ain’t going anywhere - he’s the ambassador to the Tribe and Trump needs him.
- Bannon just wanted to nix the Russia collusion impeachment pipe-dream the Dems were working - #DirtyRice and that’s done. Dems will back off Russia if Bannon promises not to shit all over the Obama legacy. Watch how all these investigation evaporate after the Easter recess - Dems demanded proof so Bannon exits the NSC. Not a big deal - Bannon still has clearance and can sit in on an NSC meeting any time he wants (his seat was always a bargaining chip from the start - replaced by Rick Perry LOL)
- Flynn was the sacrifice to uncover the leakers and Obama plot - He either knew that going in and is fine with it or didn’t know it, in which case he shouldn’t be NSA under any circumstances.
- Coulter is always right, but she could never get elected or eat the shit sandwiches required to stay in power.
- It’s all going to be fine
- It’s a dirty, ugly game but luckily for America Trump knows how to play it
- It was never going to be a cake walk - we’re talking about a hostile takeover of the largest, most powerful enterprise in the world but the jobs report was fantastic today, consumer and business confidence is booming, Trump has turned the screws so tight on the Dems that they’re about to be ripped apart like some 15th Century heretic - That should happen this Friday when the Senate confirms Gorsuch to the SCOTUS. It will start sinking in to the Big Money Democrat donors that they’ve got NOTHING but Chuck Schumer’s cell number and a worthless IOU in their pocket. Jared’s phone is going to start ringing off the hook and things will start to change in this country.
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2013 |
Then there's this screen shot on the left. If you ever wanted to put an end to the Trump = Russian stooge speculation then dropping 60,000 tons of TNT on Syria should do the trick. And, of course, the twitter universe blew up with every kind of accusation flying - betrayal, Neocon mind control, crazy man, etc. Two things are clear. 1. No one has any idea how Trump will react to anything and that's a good thing. 2. If you didn't know it already, then now you know that DJT doesn't give a shit what YOU think about anything. Some people might not like his unilateral POTUSness but you've got to admit that he does draw a sharp contrast to BHO and the FBPOTUS of indecision. It's night and day, or maybe the other way around, but it's very different and no one's going to be talking about anything but Syria for days or even weeks to come. McCain is now on the #TrumpTrain and the war machine is happy. Everyone's just gonna have to suck it up and give the man some room because he's a counter puncher, as he'll tell you himself, and now he's got the biggest counter punch capability in the world - "Shit, this is so much more effective than twitter" - so be careful what you wish for #NeverTrump brigades - The Elvis from Queens might just take you up on your demand that he silence the tweets and start throwing Tomahawks instead.
How'd we get here? Think Progress knows the Answer and they lay it all out in a timeline that is surreal when you contemplate the magnitude of this muddle. August 2012 Obama draws a "red line" forbidding the use of chemical weapons (WMDs) in the Syrian civil war but these weapons are used by both sides for about a year so by August 2013 something needs to be done - Heat is on from the media and international community. Everything builds and builds until Assad is texting Putin for help and a strike is for sure gonna happen. The timeline ends with this gem:
How'd we get here? Think Progress knows the Answer and they lay it all out in a timeline that is surreal when you contemplate the magnitude of this muddle. August 2012 Obama draws a "red line" forbidding the use of chemical weapons (WMDs) in the Syrian civil war but these weapons are used by both sides for about a year so by August 2013 something needs to be done - Heat is on from the media and international community. Everything builds and builds until Assad is texting Putin for help and a strike is for sure gonna happen. The timeline ends with this gem:
Aug. 31: Without U.K. support, Obama announces that he has decided that Assad should be met with a military response for using chemical weapons but adds that he will ask Congress for authorization. “What message will we send if a dictator can gas hundreds of children and pay no price?” Obama asked. “We are the United States of America. We cannot and must not turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus.”This is what's know as a punt in American Football. This was 2013 folks - today we're in 2017 and have been turning a "blind eye"for years. Open your eyes.