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 Also known in the KOTCB society as Frummurf (palindrome) or Murf in the short form when you do something stupid like spill hot coffee in your lap or forget where you put your car keys. Can be combined with Obama on those occasions when you step in dog poop or split your pants bending over to tie your shoe - "Obama Murf, I wish I hadn't done that" or "Frummurf Obama, how did that happen?" You get the idea...

So you, dear reader, probably think I'm going to write about DJT's epic talk at last nights joint session and how powerfully the Elvis from Queens ruled the room - came into their House and made an impression on Americas consciousness. But I'd rather talk about David Frum and break down the #NeverTrump brigades in a methodical and absolutely inflammatory way so let me say up front that I'm not intentionally coming at this from a bigoted or intolerant way. My race, religion and sexual orientation views are ecumenical and though I poke fun (a lot) on the KOTCB blog it is always done from a position of love and good cheer. It's not always taken that way, and my direct style of argument and thick skinned detachment exacerbates misperception and hurt feelings so for anyone who does get offended by this or any other blog post, FB post, Tweet or other form of electronic communication I engage in let me offer my heartfelt apologies right now.

It seems to me, and I should say that all these observations are purely based on empirical "evidence" with no data or facts to back them up - raw opinion/FAKE NEWS - that Trump haters (i.e. #NeverTrump) come from three distinct yet overlapping "groups" or constituencies, if you can even call them that, loosely segmented as the following*:
  1. Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  2. NeoCons (GOP Jews)
  3. Buckleyites (Roman Catholic conservatives)
The hatred of Trump appears to descend in that order with Mormons hating the most, NeoCons a close second and Buckleyites the disgruntled tail wagging the dog. Why there is this religious component to this particular form of Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mystery to me and I would love to have someone other than or explain it to me. I must assume that it's something that's been bubbling under the surface of our political terra firma for a long time and Trump is just the earthquake that opened a fissure in long established coalitions.

David Brooks sketched out the formation of the modern conservative movement and its subsequent demise way back in October 2008 just a month before Obama was elected with 69,498,516 votes (one of which belonged to David Brooks).
Modern conservatism began as a movement of dissident intellectuals. Richard Weaver wrote a book called, “Ideas Have Consequences.” Russell Kirk placed Edmund Burke in an American context. William F. Buckley famously said he’d rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard. But he didn’t believe those were the only two options. His entire life was a celebration of urbane values, sophistication and the rigorous and constant application of intellect.
Brooks goes on to explain that the most recent GOP strategy of vilifying "urbane values, sophistication and... intellect", personified by Sarah Palin, was turning the party into a regional collection of inbred misfits. Which was probably true, but it's also true that the vast nation can not be lead by "dissident intellectuals" forever (if, in fact, it was ever lead by them in the first place) and, at some point, the rubes will find some champion to take power and reset the established order.

Nobody so relentlessly divides the world between the “normal Joe Sixpack American” and the coastal elite.
All of this brings me back to David Frum's snarky tweet about Trumps foreclosure workshop as a way to diminish Trumps speech and the promises he made (many of which he's already keeping). Now here's the thing, the frustrating, insane, outrageous thing that really gets me riled up about the #NeverTrump intellectuals like Frum who are so batshit crazy that they make stupid associations like this implying that what the advertisement offers is false. I ask you, would you have found the knowledge gained from a foreclosure workshop useful in the Autumn of 2008? Think about it. Think real hard and try and remember what was going on in December of 2008 in the US housing market. I would love to find out how many of Trump's students became millionaires during the housing meltdown - I bet there are a few of them out there. So it's not that I'm angry at David Frum or Glenn Beck or Robert George for disliking Trump, but I want them to explain exactly what they hate about him and his policies. For example, Frum warns that IT can happen here in this video:

But what is the "it" he's worried about? So Trump is an authoritarian or a Stalinist - That's bad on its face but it doesn't fill me with dread. Say he's a dictator that demands I eat ice cream on Friday and make love on Sunday afternoon, well, I'm okay with that. It doesn't frighten me. So, what is it exactly that Trump is threatening to do to Mormons, Jews and Catholics? Teach someone else how to make a fortune on foreclosures?

*Note: I know all about the Red State clowns and that there are plenty of #NeverTrumpers who don't fall into three religious sects, and there are sects within sects, but the leaders of #NeverTrump seem to come from one of these three groups.


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