And some men knows he has 21 military bases and
50,000 troops in that "powerful" woman's country
while other men just assume she loves him for who he is.
Politico was at it again last week when they let
Christiane Amanpour's husband write
The Leader of the Free World Meets Donald Trump and some drivel about the "evolution of the Trump-Merkel dialogue" and Merkel's "moral leadership" on the world stage. This is all part of coordinated effort to elevate Merkel and denigrate Trump in the eyes of the public and if that won't do then at least in the eyes of those people who read Politico. It might surprise these worldly critics to know that the
US military has bases all over Germany and we've been there since 1945. When the German Chancellor comes to Washington D.C. she's there to get her marching orders and figure out a plan to execute them. Sometimes she gets a pat on the back and drinks champaign to celebrate our long standing "alliance" and other times she's told things like, "I don't think you fully understand your situation" or "you're just not listening to me, so let's go over this again..." and either way it goes down, at the end of the day, the Germans are very good at following orders. Like when the Yankee King tells you to take in 1 million refugees because, well, you told him you could handle Putin and work out the Syrian situation but didn't and that resulted in Turkey entering the conflict which, let's face it, wasn't cool and Erdogan wants these Syrians out of his country so... you do as you're told. "Tell you what, we'll put you on the cover of Time Magazine."
Same hair |
It looks like
Trump got exactly what he wanted from the "Leader of the Free World" at the G20 and I'm sure the German government will be allocating more Euros to NATO starting this year.