Hold on a second, what ever happened to "words. just words?" and the moral indignation heaped upon those who dismiss them as inconsequential?
As noted in previous KOTCB blog posts I have my issues with Twitter but all that being said I must admit that I delight in the way DJT uses this method of communication to get things done, blow stuff up and roil the established order. It is incredible what CAN be achieved in 140 characters or less and the fact that these Twitter people created the tool of their own destruction is deliciously ironic and deeply satisfying. Though his success has pushed all "free thinkers" to the edge of sanity (over the edge) where they actually justify banning these "mere words" from reaching the millions of followers who read them it will be impossible to ban the POTUS twitter account which gets handed to The Donald on Jan. 20, 2017. And tweets will be just one element of the total communications package which is incredibly powerful for those who pull the levers - something that should be obvious to anyone who's followed reporting on our 44th POTUS for the past eight years.
So hold on tight Chuck because in a few weeks you'll be longing for the Twitter Presidency where ideas and issues were raised in small bite sized pieces - your about to get a firehose crammed down your throat and the switch will be turned on day one. Good luck.
Ye new Congress has taken their seats and prepare to Make America Great Again but on the night before they start ye old Congress decides to muck around - who will save us? Perhaps Senator Chuck Schumer will rise to the occasion.
"In floor speech, Schumer warns of 'Twitter presidency'" as reported by The Times Union in Albany.
"'Making America Great Again' requires more than 140 characters per issue," Schumer said on the Senate floor in his first speaking foray as the body's top Democrat. "With all due respect, America cannot afford a Twitter presidency."And The Times Union reported it like most other MSM journalists editing out the first words of this bold declaration which were, "These issues are too important for mere words. Our challenges too entrenched for mere tweeting." Check it out yourself - starts at approximately minute 23:30.
Hold on a second, what ever happened to "words. just words?" and the moral indignation heaped upon those who dismiss them as inconsequential?
“Don’t tell me words don’t matter! ‘I have a dream.’ Just words. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words. ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words, just speeches,” Obama said in his speech.Or how about this one:
That, my fellow citizens, is how it's done. Stupid GOP congressmen have not read "The Art of the Deal" and decide to sneak one in at hour 11:59 and gut congressional oversight by an independent agency and Trump squashes it - not the Democrats, not the public advocacy groups, not the media - Trump. It's truly amazing what Trump can do with Twitter and it flies in the face of Chuck's admonitions because a Twitter presidency is exactly what America needs.With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017
As noted in previous KOTCB blog posts I have my issues with Twitter but all that being said I must admit that I delight in the way DJT uses this method of communication to get things done, blow stuff up and roil the established order. It is incredible what CAN be achieved in 140 characters or less and the fact that these Twitter people created the tool of their own destruction is deliciously ironic and deeply satisfying. Though his success has pushed all "free thinkers" to the edge of sanity (over the edge) where they actually justify banning these "mere words" from reaching the millions of followers who read them it will be impossible to ban the POTUS twitter account which gets handed to The Donald on Jan. 20, 2017. And tweets will be just one element of the total communications package which is incredibly powerful for those who pull the levers - something that should be obvious to anyone who's followed reporting on our 44th POTUS for the past eight years.
So hold on tight Chuck because in a few weeks you'll be longing for the Twitter Presidency where ideas and issues were raised in small bite sized pieces - your about to get a firehose crammed down your throat and the switch will be turned on day one. Good luck.