Build the Wall! (it's already built)
With the advent of cable television I used to marvel at the strange juxtaposition of images and sound that could be created by randomly tapping buttons on the TV remote control - a magic wand if there ever was one. From evangelical preachers to gladiatorial combat to pop music decadence to natural wonder to high drama intrigue, comedy, space aliens, commodities reports, quiz shows, etc. etc. etc. all tied together (or fractured as the case may be) by thousands of commercial advertisements for sugar water and beer, real estate, every drug imaginable, house cleaning supplies, cars, travel packages, and a bunch of other weird shit I'd never buy no matter how much money I had. The paradoxes that this activity conjures to the eye and ear create a wall of insanity that blocks out the authentic world of day to day existence and calling this wall "the media" is inaccurate and wrong - it mediates nothing - instead it insulates and contains.
But nothing in my TV viewing experience can match the incongruity produced by the Twitter feed on my cell phone. Like it or not, day or night (middle of the night), it's there like a 40 foot wall of crazy that stops me dead in my tracks.
With the advent of cable television I used to marvel at the strange juxtaposition of images and sound that could be created by randomly tapping buttons on the TV remote control - a magic wand if there ever was one. From evangelical preachers to gladiatorial combat to pop music decadence to natural wonder to high drama intrigue, comedy, space aliens, commodities reports, quiz shows, etc. etc. etc. all tied together (or fractured as the case may be) by thousands of commercial advertisements for sugar water and beer, real estate, every drug imaginable, house cleaning supplies, cars, travel packages, and a bunch of other weird shit I'd never buy no matter how much money I had. The paradoxes that this activity conjures to the eye and ear create a wall of insanity that blocks out the authentic world of day to day existence and calling this wall "the media" is inaccurate and wrong - it mediates nothing - instead it insulates and contains.
But nothing in my TV viewing experience can match the incongruity produced by the Twitter feed on my cell phone. Like it or not, day or night (middle of the night), it's there like a 40 foot wall of crazy that stops me dead in my tracks.
"I gotta go over the wall,Twitter is inhuman - it is the machine mind brought to life and exposed. Each tweet like an indestructible brick of discreet info/opinion cemented in place by a dead digital trowel.
I don't understand this bit at all"