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I'm gonna tell you the way it is
And I'm not gonna be kind or easy
Your whole attitude stinks, I say
And the life you lead is completely empty

You paint your head
Your mind is dead
You don't even know what I just said


If I were in charge of Common Core there would be some serious changes to the current curriculum guidelines foisted upon Americas youth. One of my dictates would be that every child in 10th grade take a course on Media Manipulation and its impact on personal experience and society. A portion of this course would be dedicated to a two day symposium on the 1968 Mothers of Invention record titled "We're Only In It For The Money" and the subversive criticism it levels at plastic American culture (exemplified by the media). From the cover art to each and every vinyl groove this record is a masterpiece and requires a focused listening and contemplation of Zappa's perspective on the world - also, it is hilariously funny and it must be said that one of Zappa's greatest gifts (a gift few other musicians possess) is the ability to make serious AND humorous music simultaneously. One of the best songs on the record is titled "Harry, You're a Beast!" (see lyrics above) and while you might be tempted to accuse one of America's most gifted, innovative and influential musical minds of being a deplorable bigoted male chauvinist pig just hold off on the judgmental moralism for a minute and hear me out.

I don't think Zappa believes that women are bubble-headed, complaining shrews leading empty lives, but I think he's telling women that that IS what they're being told they are by mass media culture. They're being told that by their stupid "Women's Magazines", news reporters and politicians who play upon their fears and concerns to twist womanly virtues of gentility and grace into bitter resentment and emotional bile. Exhibit A is a Cosmo piece titled "Reporter Opens Up About Donald Trump Calling Her the "C" Word" which represents a kind of trifecta in this regard.

And I'm not talking about the shit for brains cunt who's defaming Trump for a 30 year old altercation - that's her right, I suppose, and if she wants to write about it on someones blog then fine. I'm talking about the CNN putz, Micheal Smerconish*, who feigns disbelief ("Wow!") when he hears the factual recounting of a financial reporter getting dressed down by a businessman for a perceived lousy story - "bullied" as she puts it. Umm, happens all the time Mr. Smerconish - That's the way it is in the big bad world of high stakes Real Estate and Finance. If you're a reporter and you write a lousy story, or even a good story, that paints a RE project in a bad light then expect to get an angry phone call and expect to be called names and insulted. Otherwise, get out of the news business. But to play along and encourage this kind of weakness only points out what YOU think of women and reenforces the helpless image they have of themselves.

*Has there ever been a better name for a CNN reporter than Smerconish? Smer-Con-Ish. It's really incredible - I mean, I couldn't make it up and if I did no one would believe me.


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