I have, up until today, steered clear of the creepy clown craze that's terrorizing the nation. I know that sounds like a stupid thing for the Keeper of the Clown Bell blog to do, but I was honestly waiting to address the issue closer to Halloween. But today I learned that "Target pulls clown masks from shelves amid creepy clown threats" and I thought to myself, "is this the same Target that opened its bathrooms to transrubes who want to pee sitting down?" Why yes, yes it is.
Hold your head high clowns for even though you've been marginalized by corporate America with their cloistered and retrograde worldview there is still a place for you on the internet. Surf on over to The Oriental Trading Company and shop till you're fingers bleed buying all the clown gear your black heart desires. Yes, it's hard to live in the shadows, to be marginalized and misunderstood - the hatred born of ignorance and fear is almost too much to shoulder, but you must skulk on ever Forward to a glorious clown friendly future.
"We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity," the retailer said. "Everyone deserves to feel like they belong."What is it about the word EVERYONE that these corporate nannies don't understand? Does the Evil Clown NOT belong in Target? How can the 300 pound transgender freak with painted face and ill fitting dress belong in the woman's bathroom but the cunning clown of terror have no place in this heartless establishment? I'm shocked and despondent because I thought Target was a corporation with a social contract and progressive sensibilities. Instead they show their true colors of intolerance.
Hold your head high clowns for even though you've been marginalized by corporate America with their cloistered and retrograde worldview there is still a place for you on the internet. Surf on over to The Oriental Trading Company and shop till you're fingers bleed buying all the clown gear your black heart desires. Yes, it's hard to live in the shadows, to be marginalized and misunderstood - the hatred born of ignorance and fear is almost too much to shoulder, but you must skulk on ever Forward to a glorious clown friendly future.