“I wish there were somebody I could be comfortable voting for. I might have to vote for Hillary Clinton, even though I have big reservations about her,” he added.
Wolfie is coming around to the unavoidable truth, just as
Richard Armitage and
Brent Scowcroft have admitted and the HuffPo editors remind their readers at the end of every Trump related story.
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
It is odd that support from Paul Wolfowitz doesn't automatically send Democrats into hyperventilating spasms of writhing, hate spewing terror - think a possessed Linda Blair with crucifix in bloody vagina from the Exorcist movie. But the fact is, the Democrats don't mind because they never actually meant any of that stuff they said about the former Deputy Secretary of Defense in the first place. It was all just blah, blah, blah politics as usual to try and win elections and run down the other team (you know, the bad guys).
Still Free |
Condi 2016 |
Remember how, at one time, all these guys were "war criminals" and lied about WOMD to sucker the voting public into invading Iraq and squandering lives and treasure to oust Sadam and make the middle east safe for democracy? I do. Now the same guys who masterminded that glorious war are backing a pudgy, pants-suited grandma with a head injury to lead the nation and keep things, pretty much, as they are. All because DJT thinks they are full of shit and says so out loud and without any pretense or hesitation. Not that they didn't have the perfect candidate to jump in the race and make the case - they did, but she refused to take the reins of power (or the GOP elders wouldn't tap her). It's a shame too because Condi Rice would make a darn good FBWPOTUS and she'd know how to handle ISIS, Russia, China, Hillary and every other enemy America has on the face of this great green earth. Also, she's a Cleveland Brown's fan which means
she's got heart and will never, never, never give up no matter what - win, lose, lose, lose or draw she'll make the tough decisions and dominate her opponent. Just ask W., he knows who called the shots in his White House.
KOTCB note: Hillary Clinton regularly incites geopolitical violence and is a serial liar, incorrigible one-worlder, racist, feminist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to migrate 1 million Muslims — from a terrorist religion — into the U.S.