The KOTCB blog had it's first posting a week after the 2004 Presidential election and John Kerry has made regular appearances since it's inception. I've
watched him from afar and
flown with him on airplanes -
read his speeches and and even
found myself rooting for him from time to time. He's been a constant presence in my life as long as I can remember - my college days in Boston when he ran for the US Senate (and won!) against a wonderful businessman named Ray Shamie who would have made a great Senator. In Washington Kerry made mischief with Chris Dodd and Ted K with legendary stories bantered about the yuppie set that partied it up in G-town and the fruit loop - I know because I was there (not that I was following JFKthelesser around, I wasn't, it's just the way it worked out) and when you're a young post college striver it's pretty damn annoying to have your date get hit on by a drunken 45 year old US Senator with no moral scruples or impulse control but that's the way it is. His journey continued and being
The Good Soldier that he is, he was tapped to take out the surging Howard Dean in the 2004 Democrat primary battle which he did with cold hearted dispatch. The rest is history, but if the scientists are right there are an infinite number of parallel universes to the one we currently inhabit and so let me take you, ever so swiftly, to one of them.
"This is what Grand-père does all day" |
(New York) Now in the fourth year of his third term as President JFK has finally signed a long sought international agreement to stop climate change. "This is the kind of document that makes all the turmoil and conflict we've experienced over the past five years worth it", said President Kerry as he put pen to paper while holding his granddaughter on his lap. Aids claim the President was referring to the violent insurrection that took place when he used executive order 1532 to abolish the twenty-second amendment thereby paving the way to his third term - a feat equaled only by JFK's idol FDR. "The International Community means everything to me and these pages are a testament to its power and glory", he said referring to the thick stack of paper requiring multiple signatures siting on the desk in front of him. The environment has been a key policy priority for President Kerry for the past 12 years and after his many failed attempts to extract US troops from Iraq and the ongoing conflict in Viet Nam this is an important and desperately needed win for the administration. Though important initiatives like immigration reform and building a 21st Century economy have seen little progress there's always next year and President Kerry plans to highlight these issues in this years Presidential race when he competes against long time rival Jeb Bush in hopes of securing a fourth term in office.