An attractive female friend of mine tells a very humorous anecdote of an impromptu encounter she had with a pro football quarterback while vacationing in the West Indies at a fashionable resort. For her part she was innocently urinating in the ladies room located near the pool bar when Mr. QB walked into her stall, dropped his drawers and suggested she perform falashio on his meat flute. "I'm not giving you a blow job! Who do you think you are? Get out of here right now and leave me alone." The player protested but eventually pulled up his pants and sheepishly walked out into the bright Caribbean sun singing "do I really look like this?" There is a downside of the Direct Approach practiced by athletes and thespians (primarily) and it requires persistence to achieve success because for every 9 women like my friend there is a tenth that says, "sure, why not." The repeated rejection does take it's toll on the human psyche however and produces strange or even insane behavior over time. Someone's going to get blown and this time it's America's X-mas.
She was "sexy", but "too much hard work." I'm a regular Fox & Friends viewer (mostly in protest of the other insipid morning programs like Today and Good Morning America) so over the years I've gotten to know Gretchen Carlson pretty well. Stuck between Steve and Brian she always seemed a prudish scold with an irritating, self-righteous demeanor that I simply put up with because I figured some people in the Fox audience actually liked her persona. It was obvious that Steve and Brian did not, but they were stuck with her like so many talking heads and had to make the best of it - which they did. Besides, she was no worse than any of the other women on morning show TV - I mean, you're only going to find a certain kind of person to do this kind of work and that kind of person is the Gretchen Carlson kind. Then, one day, she was gone and replaced by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the F&F ratings began to climb, and climb and climb - in two months view...