I don't.
It's the State that gave us Herbert Hoover* and Henry Wallace* which might well disqualify it's citizens from participating in national elections in a sane republic, but as the Presidential primary season confirms, this republic has lost it's sanity. If memory serves, the good people of Iowa gave us two beauties as winners of their parochial caucuses 4 years ago - On the Republican side they saw fit to promote former Gov. Mike Huckelberry (the Lawrence Welk of Arkansas) and for the Jackass Party they nominated a wet behind the (big) ears freshman U.S. Senator Barack Hussein Osama (the Alfred E. Neuman of politics). Thanks a lot you fine midwestern corn farmers from the 'heartland of America" for launching an entertaining program on Fox News Saturday and the Hope and Change Presidency that has this Nation stuck in neutral (at best) while he tries to figure out how to get "the car" out of "the ditch" that George W. Bush drove it into during his 8 years in the White House.
Am I being to harsh on the Iowans? Was the vote for Hackaboo and Hussein 4 years ago an anomaly. Before you judge me guilty consider this:
1980 the Iowans chose Jimmy Peanut over Ted "the swimmer" K, but they still gave Teddy over 30% of the vote and they chose G.H.W. Bush over the Gipper. 1988 the Iowans gave the nod to Dick Gephardt followed closely by Paul Simon - got that, PAUL SIMON!!! (not the pop singer - the goofy, bow tie wearing, Illinois Senator) and Bob Dole followed closely by smile'n Pat Robertson. Here's an idea - let's disqualify any candidate who wins the Iowa caucus and move on to New Hampshire (more on "the shire" in the near future).
* For you youngsters H Hoover was the original Big Government Republican (a fat Mitt Romney) and H Wallace was a central planning Stalinist who proved to be too left wing for FDR.