This resignation of Dan Rather is long, long, long overdue. He has been the anchor for CBS News for 24 years- that's right 24 pompous and overbearing years. His insane hatred for the Bush clan drove him to broadcast a false story based on untrue documents and this time he got caught. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving schill for the soft socialist pablum that is infused throughout our major media institutions. He should have been fired on the spot. Instead a whole NYC/DC media cabal made excuses for him and blamed his producer - what crap.
Goodbye Dan - Take a long vacation in the "workers paradise" 90 miles off the cost of Florida. I'm sure your bearded pal will keep the prostitutes and cigars flowing.
Goodbye Dan - Take a long vacation in the "workers paradise" 90 miles off the cost of Florida. I'm sure your bearded pal will keep the prostitutes and cigars flowing.

