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Who’s counting?

2 + 2 = 5
First, Stormy Daniels. Now, Karen McDougal and Summer Zervos. I know there are bombs going off in Texas, Putin won the Russian election, Congress is passing a CR (again) and a huge snow storm has shut down DC but let’s not lose sight of the big picture - Trump has a history of bedding beautiful women and some hookers and some beautiful hookers (including some hookers who either don’t know they’re hookers or can’t admit they’re hookers). For weeks the #FakeNews has been promoting one of these hookers, a porn star named Stormy Daniels, as someone who A. has a story and B. that story needs to be heard by the American voting public and it's children (including FLOTUS and 12 year old Barron Trump). 60 Minutes is going to broadcast an interview with this "lady" on Sunday promising details on her affair with the Elvis from Queens and the truth about everything including, I suppose, "his junk." Considering the number of cocks this woman has sucked during her stellar film career you'd think that they'd all sort of blend together into one fleshy memory but no, The Donald's stood out and made a memorable impression - when a porn star remembers your penis consider yourself a winner. There are so many women, so many stories, so many scandals to hang around DJT's neck that one has to wonder why, of all people, the media has chosen to focus on Stormy Daniels and her rendezvous with a "john" from 12 years ago? The answer seems to be that the hush money transaction intended to keep this prostitute from blabbing about Mr. Trump's "junk" could be seen as an "unreported in-kind contribution to Mr. Trump’s campaign committee and an unreported expenditure" which violates federal campaign law - have you fallen asleep yet? This broad extorts $130,000 from Trump to keep her mouth shut (not easy for her to do) and then starts talking anyway because she can be used as a tool by the Democrats and the MSM to defame the character of the POTUS.
Bullying and buying off people to keep your secrets may have been the norm for Mr. Trump in the business world, but it has no place in the Oval Office. Federal election authorities should investigate this matter. Ms. Daniels should be able to tell her story, and Americans should judge for themselves what these events say about the character of the president.
What about the character of Stormy Daniels? She's a disgrace to her profession!!! Discretion and keeping your liaisons secret are primary codes of conduct for any hooker but this woman has tossed it all away in pursuit of notoriety and inflicting maximum damage to her customer. It's an outrage and the fact that media outlets across the spectrum are complicit in breaking this social contract makes me sick. Shame! Shame on you 60 Minutes, WaPO, CNN and all the rest of you dirty whores in the media who willfully drag the nation through this tawdry show for your own bemusement and nefarious ends. The tragic case of Deborah Jeane Palfrey, otherwise known as "the Infamous DC Madam," shows how our media "watchdogs" usually handle these embarrassing revelations:
Palfrey, however, insisted Pamela Martin & Associates provided "legal, high-end erotic fantasy service" and that she had no idea her escorts had sex with customers. In March 2007, after she was charged, she turned over a list of nearly 10,000 phone records spanning four years to ABC News. (Palfrey said she didn't know the names of her clients. She only had their telephone numbers.)
For days leading up to ABC's exclusive interview with Palfrey, investigative reporter Brian Ross teased that Palfrey's clientele included White House officials, lobbyists, and Pentagon, FBI, and IRS employees, as well as prominent lawyers. "There are thousands of names, tens of thousands of phone numbers," Ross said.
But ABC backed away from naming names, and Palfrey accused the network of bowing to government pressure by withholding them. In the end, the network only revealed a few of the most prominent officials on Palfrey's client list, including Republican senator David Vitter, Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias—who resigned when details of his use of escorts surfaced—and an adviser to the Pentagon, Harlan Ullman.
"Thousands of names" all locked away under court order - no reason to get to the bottom of this escort service scandal that implicates the entire DC swamp and subjects some unknown number of government officials to threat of blackmail or other types of coercion. Palfrey committed suicide (allegedly) rather than go to prison for knowing too much and keeping her mouth shut - that blood is on the hands of ABC Newsman Brian Ross (a whore if there ever was one) who had all the phone numbers and therefore all the names.

And so we will trudge through this manure for the foreseeable future as revelations of president Trump's past affairs with women get splashed across our screens and magazines to inform the public that... what? That Donald J Trump, private citizen, had sex with porn stars, playboy bunnies and aspiring actresses and enjoyed the fruits of his fame and fortune Bigly. Is that against the law? Is it any different than what hundreds, if not thousands, of other people in and around Washington DC do all the time? No, it is not and this entire expose is a pathetic mind game foisted upon the good people of this country who need not know the details about the presidents junk or what the whores who run the media think of it.


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