The prison of life is one we never fully escape. Even the spiritual yogi, the rich oligarch, the nihilist pop star and (believe it or not) college professors must all stoop to clean up a mess from time to time - trapped as we are in this mortal and material cell. Be that as it may, some cells are worse than others.
A wishful bit of advise from those who sell toxic scrubbing suds to ease the burden of which every life is consumed. But scrubbing is drudgery - with or without miracle cream - and for the vast expanse of human history drudgery is what life was spent doing. Enter the machine.
The machine "works pretty well" and though it won't take all the work out of prison life ("you still need to push") it does clean things up in an impressive manner and with its extension handles and multiple cleaning brushes it can wipe up almost any mess.
So the decision everyone has to make is between living on your hands and knees soaking in a toxic stew or spending $39.99 for a blue and white plastic power scrubber that does the hard work for you.
"The world is a mess, David."
The secret to finding joy in this prison is to accept the fact that you'll do your time cleaning and that cleaning is fun, good for the soul and makes your neighbor happy. Some people like cleaning things up and making them tidy and those people created the machine to help them do it. The benefits of this machine are manifold and so integrated into our daily existence that most people don't even contemplate the wonder and efficiency they provide - or the sweet illusion of liberty they create for the inmates.
Don't spend your life cleaning
A wishful bit of advise from those who sell toxic scrubbing suds to ease the burden of which every life is consumed. But scrubbing is drudgery - with or without miracle cream - and for the vast expanse of human history drudgery is what life was spent doing. Enter the machine.
The machine "works pretty well" and though it won't take all the work out of prison life ("you still need to push") it does clean things up in an impressive manner and with its extension handles and multiple cleaning brushes it can wipe up almost any mess.
So the decision everyone has to make is between living on your hands and knees soaking in a toxic stew or spending $39.99 for a blue and white plastic power scrubber that does the hard work for you.
"The world is a mess, David."
The secret to finding joy in this prison is to accept the fact that you'll do your time cleaning and that cleaning is fun, good for the soul and makes your neighbor happy. Some people like cleaning things up and making them tidy and those people created the machine to help them do it. The benefits of this machine are manifold and so integrated into our daily existence that most people don't even contemplate the wonder and efficiency they provide - or the sweet illusion of liberty they create for the inmates.
<TRUMP>: Because we are -- we are excluding certain countries, but for other countries, we're going to have extreme vetting. It's going to be very hard to come in. Right now, it's very easy to come in. It's going to be very, very hard. I don't want terror in this country. You look at what happened in San Bernardino. You look at what happened all over. You look at what happened in the World Trade Center, OK? I mean, take that as an example. People don't even bring that up.The world is a mess and it's about to get cleaned up big time. And the biggest mess, worldwide, for the past 35 years has been caused by the followers of Ali - home base Tehran, Iran. Many commentators are wondering, why pick these 7 backwater nations for "extreme vetting" when all of the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and other Muslim countries NOT on the extreme vetting list. The reason is simple - Shia Islam fuels the Sunni terror impulse and ignites the mindless rage that rips middle eastern counties apart and spills over into the western world. You want to mop up terrorism? Apply the machine to the Shia, hit the power button, push hard and watch what 300 revolutions per minute can do.
MUIR: Are you at all concerned -- are you at all concerned it's going to cause more anger among Muslims around the world?
<TRUMP>: Anger? There's plenty of anger right now. How can you have more?
MUIR: You don't think it will exacerbate the problem?
<TRUMP>: Look, look, David, David, I mean, I know you're a sophisticated guy. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What, you think this is going to cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place. All of this has happened. We went into Iraq. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. We shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a total mess. The world is a mess, David.