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Red Hats, White Pussy and Bluestockings

I guess it's worth mentioning that America has a lot more Democrats than it does Republicans and always has (since the election of 1800 at least). That is true nationally and on a state by state basis and more new Democrats are always being registered every year. It really is amazing that a GOP candidate can even compete on a national level and almost inconceivable that a Republican can actually win, but win they do. They usually win when the Democrats screw up and somehow shoot themselves in the foot by inter-party conflict or running a lousy candidate. Since 1932 the GOP has won a lot of presidential contests but take a close look at how their candidates won:
  • 1950 - Ike was a Dem turned Repub and governed as a moderate General.
  • 1968 - Nixon exploited the Dem split and Geo. Wallace took enough votes to hand the presidency to the GOP
  • 1980 - Reagan was a Dem for the first half of his life and because the Dem-Media-Industrial complex took Nixon out prematurely a mediocrity (Jimmy Peanut) was running against him. 
  • 2000 - Bush was a proxy for his dad and won because Wreck It Ralph took Albert Jr's votes.
Note: I don't count the incumbency elections because the power of presidential incumbency makes it almost impossible for a sitting president to lose an election. George H W Bush was basically an incumbent and rode Reagan's coattails to the presidency + Michael Dukaka was horrible.

So I don't blame Democrats for questioning the legitimacy of Donald J Trump's election as president and doing everything they can to run him down, hurt his chances of success and sew division in the country. In theory, someone like Trump should not be capable or allowed to become POTUS and his win portends doom for America's oldest political party because unlike previous Republican winners (including Lincoln) he didn't sneak into the office due to Democrat mistakes. On the contrary, he rode a wave of national dissatisfaction with Democrat ideology put into action that has installed Republicans in power across the fruited plain without any coherent political ideology save that they're NOT Obama - Enter Trump.

Trump realized, either through reason or just intuitively (doesn't really matter which) that the GOP had no leadership and was about to go back to the Bush well and serve up a bucket of stagnant water to a nation looking for some fresh change. He looked at the public opinion polls on top issues and saw that the economy, national defense (safety) and illegal immigration were what the vast majority of Americans (65%+) cared about and ran a campaign focused on solving those problems - in Washington DC this is known as "populism" but anywhere else in the world it's called being responsive to the hopes and fears of the people. HRC and the Dems also knew that the GOP had no leadership and believed, rightly in my view, that if they won this election the Republican resistance would collapse into a dark, greedy, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, sexist hole and that would assure a Blue Model Democrat Machine all the way down to city dog catcher for decades to come. That's one reason - and a very good reason - the stakes were so high in the 2016 presidential race and the outcome was so exhilarating for Trumps supporters and disheartening for those who were With Her.

It is why throngs of red hats yelling Make America Great Again swamped the swamp last Friday and filled the national mall to hear Trump push the plunger and demo the established order in a 20 minute speech packed with dynamite. Don't believe the press reports - I was there and the place was packed with patriots from all over the country that had made the long trip to witness the moment. I was standing next to a guy named John, former special forces bad-ass with a long white beard and a hand full of rings, and we were hooting it up and praising Jesus that this day had come. My wife and daughter were with me and we stood our ground for 4 hours on that cold January day and watched the mall fill with people until it was packed - the reporting the NYTimes and others did on crowd size was "fake news" in two ways.
  1. They obviously took a photo from the Obama '08 election at the high point of crowd size and compared it to a Trump photo early morning while people were still filing in.
  2. At the 2008 inaugural every love'n brother and sister in Chocolate Town strolled down to the mall to take part in the celebration (as they should) and the real wonder is that there were so few people at Obama's first.
Donald J. Trump got 4.1% of the DC vote in 2016 and didn't eclipse 30% in any of the surrounding counties in MD or VA. So where did all the Trump supporters who flooded the DC mall come from? They came from far and wide - it was an occupation force and if you looked around at the license plates on the cars you could see that people had traveled great distances to participate in the event. And they got what they came for:

The cut away from the Trump children to HillBilly was the highlight moment of the introductions as name after familiar name was called down to take a seat. What followed was prayers and platitudes from preachers and elected representatives aimed at softening the blow of Trump's swearing in. In that spirit, Senator Chuck Schumer gave a speech filled with PC bromides and then invoked the civil war in his call to arms (and the media said Trumps speech was divisive) by reading a letter penned by Major Sullivan Ballou in 1861 at the very START of the great bloodletting:
"I know how strongly American civilization now leans upon the triumph of the government and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us, through the blood and suffering of the revolution. And I am willing, perfectly willing, to lay down all my joys in this life to help maintain this government and to pay that debt."

Healing words from the Senate minority leader that brought out sustained boos from the MAGA crowd but set a marker the idiots at Politico don't understand and can't comprehend. The senior Senator from true blue New York is declaring his allegiance to "the government" - the one that existed before Trump was elected and he's willing to do anything to "help maintain this government" (his government) where he calls the shots for the rest of us. Will this conflict devolve into a bloody civil war that costs millions of lives - probably not and that's one of the big problems Chuck S. and his fellow Democrat politicians face over the next 4 to 8 years, but short of armed resistance there is nothing they will not stoop to in an effort to overthrow Trump.

Trump takes to the podium and punches the DC establishment in the face then leaves for lunch, a signing ceremony and a parade. Very red, white and blue patriotic except for the legion of SJW scum lining the parade rout and holding makeshift signs filled with profanity and lured imagery. These were not peaceful protesters petitioning the government over their grievances but instead they were filthy degenerates born from the last 50 years of cultural rot who've been fed a daily show diet of corn bread pabulum sprinkled with socialist sugar. I don't blame them for their hate - I too would hate if I were to live their miserable existence but their antics made a mess of the festivities and in a saner world they would have been clubbed, shackled then thrown in the Potomac River.

By nightfall the inaugural balls had started and here too the Trump difference showed up in that only 3 balls were scheduled as apposed to 10 for Obama in 2009. Two of these balls were located in the Walter E. Washington convention center with cash bar and the most frugal food buffet I've ever seen - crackers, cheese cubes, carrots, tortellini and bread rolls - That's it folks. A gigantic convention hall filled with five thousand people milling about and celebrating with a smile on every face. I saw Sheriff Joe, TV personalities, Secretary this and that - I even saw Sheldon Adelson rolling around on his scooter but there was no decadent frivolity and self aggrandizement that usually accompanies these affairs. This wasn't the Hay-Adams or the Willard with Stevie Wonder or Aretha crooning and the Cristal splashing and well healed Washingtonians chum-chuming about. It wasn't easy to get to the convention center either because the whole place was fenced off by chain-link for blocks and the same SJW's that had spoiled the inaugural parade where now uptown blocking traffic to the ball and accosting the ladies and gents hoofing it down K Street after abandoning their cars. "How can you sleep at night?", "You fucking fascist", "Your president is illegitimate" and many other questions and declarations were shouted at the 1% by the assembled mob.

After DJT and Melania danced at our ball we stuck around for some conversation and used up the last of our drink tickets then walked on down to the Trump International for the afterparty which was awesome. We had to walk because there were no cabs and even if there were the entire area around the hotel was blocked off with sand trucks/wire fencing/and Homeland Security urban assault vehicles but once we got to the hotel the security let us slip right in even though they had absolutely know idea who we were. Inside the lobby was rock'n and a good crew were popping corks and chatting it up - Hope Hicks, Mnuchin, Fox newsreaders and many other swells milled about. I happened to meet a very refined woman from the Philippines who knew Melania back in the day, pre-Mrs. Trump - and told me the extended love story on how Donald and the Slovenian beauty met and courted. She had been an exercise partner with Melania and something of a confidant so the scoop was juicy and inspiring. There was a balloon drop at midnight with Don Jr. and Eric holding court, but it must be said that their NYC gang seemed very nice (normal) and well rounded compared to some I've seen (including my own crew back in the day) and 1,000 times better than the DC glam-frauds that you find in Gtown. I've swung with all of them and I'll take the Trump kids over the Bush's and the Kennedy's any day. Thus endeth the first day of revolution that has the entire world in an uproar which found its voice the next morning.

Saturday AM I hightailed it out of the district on a dirty back road to avoid the throngs of protesters oozing onto the National Mall with their pink hats and nasty signs. Their costume was preposterous, as was their message, but I have to say that watching them as I did on the evening newscast filled my heart with joy. These protests in the name of women occurred all over the country - all over the world to be honest - and they ostensibly erupted as a war cry against Trump fascism (though the Elvis from Queens had not yet been president for a full 24 hours) which raises an interesting question.

Question: What exactly is Donald J Trump going to need to change in the current US Constitution, distribution of powers and established political order to bring about his fascist regime?
Answer: Nothing.

As helpful as the folks at TED try to be in explaining how a dictator like Hitler can rise to power in a "democratic" republic by exploiting nationalism, xenophobia and racism there are a few points they gloss over in the telling of the tale. The first being that the Weimar Republic was a new experiment foisted upon the German people, accustomed to a Constitutional Monarchy, for the sole purposes of having some kind of legitimate government capable of paying off war penalties imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. The Germans had a much stronger allegiance to Empire than they did to democracy. Second, it gives no detail on the changes Hitler made to the position of Chancellor or the real world effects of the Reichstag Fire Decree, application of Article 48 or the Enabling Act. Third, it only touches on the vast support Adolf got from the intellectual, scientific and artistic elite in Germany (and other countries) who favored his vision of National Socialism. Finally, it underplays the significance of Hitlers ideological bedrock and the uncanny ability to give that ideology voice through public speaking. The Führer was a gifted orator and his foundational ideas about racial determinism, Zionist skulduggery, gender equality, nationalization of industry, sacrifice for the greater good, etc. were broadcast far and wide by a compliant media.

And that circles me back to the Womyn's March/Anti-Trump rallies and their mind-blowing irony. Their fear of a fascist state does not spring from trepidation of what Trump might change in the established functioning of the US Federal Government, but from what he has inherited by taking the oath of office.

  • Trump did not create the Military-Industrial Complex - FDR, Truman and Ike did.
  • Trump did not nationalize health care - LBJ and Barack did.
  • Trump did not nationalize education - Carter did.
  • Trump did not create the NSA - FDR did
  • Trump did not create the "Clinton Doctrine" - Clinton did

They let you do it
I could go on but you, dear reader, get the point, right? The point is that Trump needn't do a damn thing to change the existing government to implement a "fascist" regime because it already exists. The problem these women protesters have is NOT with fascism but with the fact that THEIR fascist is not calling the shots. Even worse, this new guy might actually undo many of the fascist reforms they've spent 70 years voting for and establishing (for the greater good of course) and thereby make the country LESS fascist. The imperial presidency was a joint creation of both parties, but the Democrat party must take the lion's share of the blame for designing it as they were the majority and animating force driving it's establishment and securing its majesty. In doing so they crafted the agency of their own destruction and now they know why constitutional purists, conservative right-wingers, libertarians and normal Americans have always warned them against the centralization of power and broad scope they afforded the office of the president and the vast administrative state he controls. Too late ladies - The Donald already has his fingers inside you, and YOU let him do it.


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