LeBron James must be on the Trump Train because he's produced a hit TV show for NBC called "The Wall" and by estimates it's "the most American game show on TV".
"In many ways, The Wall embodies values that are distinctly red, white, and blue. It attempts to sell us something new, even though its concept is really based on old ideas that someone put in a blender and mixed up just enough so they would seem fresh, which is the same guiding principle that has kept American capitalism running for decades."Indeed there is nothing new about this "guiding principle" and though it's true that it does keep "American capitalism running" it is also true that it keeps everything else running too. The Wall, as a concept, is very old and new walls are built all the time around the world based on this "old idea." Some walls are just a glorified folly to provide aesthetically pleasing definition to the landscape or a boundary for games and celebration.
Other walls are designed for a utilitarian purpose and built in accord with the modernist tradition of form follows function. The function being to keep whatever's on the other side of the wall out.
Like the wall politicians built and maintain to keep any authority from inspecting voter fraud in our elections in an effort to ensure the integrity of a citizens suffrage. Illegitimate votes, fraudulent votes, voting twice, voting from the grave and other voting shenanigans are so common in some precincts that the practice is taken for granted and joked about.
“You can vote all week. You can only vote once. This isn’t Chicago,” Mr. Obama said. “I’m teasing, Chicago. I’m messing with you. That was a long time ago.”Yes, an old idea that's made fresh. So when president Trump brought up the 3-5 illegal votes cast against him in the 2016 contest again... What?! HE DID IT AGAIN! He brought it up AGAIN I'll tell you what... can you believe the adolescent insecurity of this man? Not presidential. A deep personality flaw, etc.
Trump: "What's that? I can't hear you. I don't understand what you're saying."Ah yes, the Trebuchet (also known as Trump's Twitter account)
WaPo: "The claim is not supported by any verifiable facts, and analyses of the election found virtually no confirmed cases of voter fraud, let alone millions."
Trump: "I'm still not getting it."
FactCheck.org: "In fact, voting experts we talked to pointed to numerous studies that have found such in-person voter fraud — the type of fraud Trump is alleging — is virtually nonexistent."
Trump: "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and ... even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!"
A trebuchet is a battle machine used in the middle ages to throw heavy payloads at enemies. The payload could be thrown a far distance and do considerable damage, either by smashing down walls or striking the enemy while inside their stronghold.
WHOA! Hold on a second, we didn't mean we needed a major investigation or anything. You're supposed to just let us call you a liar and roll over. Actually investigating voter fraud might expose the process and all the crap we allow to keep us in our seats in government and that would cramp our style. Even worse, the findings will call into question the legitimacy of the government.The trebuchet was preferred over a catapult due to its greater range capability and greater accuracy.A trebuchet works by using the energy of a falling (and hinged) counterweight to launch a projectile (the payload), using mechanical advantage to achieve a high launch speed. For maximum launch speed the counterweight must be much heavier than the payload, since this means that it will "fall" quickly.
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Not even a shrink can help this guy - we need to turn to divine help.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she "felt sorry" for Trump and even prayed for him after learning of his calls for an investigation.Good idea Nancy and say a prayer for yourself and all your colleagues too because this voter fraud investigation is going to do one of two things (maybe both)
“For a person who is newly elected president of the United States to be so insecure ... to suggest and to undermine the integrity of our voting system, is really strange,” she told reporters Wednesday during a news conference in the Capitol.
“I frankly feel very sad about the president making this claim,” she added. “I felt sorry for him. I even prayed for him.”
- Get everyone to shut up about "hacked elections" and popular vote totals.
- Blow the lid off the shenanigans political parties play with the voters.
I just love the how Trump uses the weight of DC/Media indignation as the leverage to hurl stones against their fortifications. It's ingenious, very effective and they fall for it EVERY TIME.